Santa tells Ralphie to ask for wagon because Ralphie freezes when Santa asks what he wants. Ralphie wants a Red Rider BB gun.
Ralphie - 2009 was released on: USA: 17 July 2009
Scut FarkusThe name of the classic movie that focuses on the story of Ralphie is actually called "A Christmas Story." Scut Farkus is a neighborhood bully who torments Ralphie and his friends throughout the film. Toward the end of the film, Ralphie beats up Scut Farkus.
If you're referring to Ralphie in A Christmas Story, he was not crazy at all. He was a perfectly normal kid. The story is semi-autobiographical, so Ralphie represents the author who had a vivid imagination, which made him a good writer.
Randy Parker (Ian Petrella) .
Strangely enough, he does think he "shot his eye out" when a ricochet from a metal sign hits him in the face. But he didn't go blind, only broke his glasses. When Ralphie says a bad word his mother makes him sit in the bathroom with a bar of soap in his mouth. In a fantasy sequence, he goes blind from 'soap poisoning' which causes his parents to realize how cruel they were.
Ralphie May is 5' 9".
Santa tells Ralphie to ask for wagon because Ralphie freezes when Santa asks what he wants. Ralphie wants a Red Rider BB gun.
Ralph Schuckett goes by Mister R, and Ralphie.
Ralphie May was born on February 17, 1972.
Ralphie Aversa was born on 1985-06-06.
Ralphie May was born on February 17, 1972.
A New Furnace
Ralphie May's birth name is Ralphie O. May.
everything can go blind in a waycan you go blind if you stay in the darkness?yes
Ralphie - 2009 was released on: USA: 17 July 2009
Ralphie had to wash his mouth out with Lifebuoy soap as a punishment.