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Spicy food tend to generate heat and raise body metabolism. You burn more calories when you are sweating or extremely hot.

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Q: Why did people think that spicy foods raise your metabosim?
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Does spicy foods raise your blood pressure?

Dont have an answer; however, can we at least get the question grammatically correct? Do spicy foods raise your blood pressure? Or Does spicy food raise your blood pressure?

Does Irish People eat spicy food?

They are not traditional foods in Ireland, but some Irish people do like and eat spicy foods.

Why are spicy foods discouraged for those people with a heart attack?

No. If anything, spicy foods are shown in studies to REDUCE the risk of heart attack and stroke. If anything, some people get indigestion from spicy foods...which can FEEL like a heart attack.

Why does sugar cut spicy foods?

Sugar does not cut spicy foods. However it may disguise the spice a little. Dairy cuts spicy foods better.

Do bunnies like spicy food?

They don't like spicy, sour, or bitter foods. They love sweet foods, but it's bad for them just like candy is bad for people.

You have never like spicy foods but now you want spicy foods what does this mean?

you're pregnant?

What percentage of people eat spicy hot foods?

Many people have different taste about spicy things. Like some people only like a little but people like me eat alot.

Is pepperoni spicy?

if you are extremely weak when it comes to spicy foods, it can be.

Is eating too much hot and spicy foods unhealthy?

For some people, hot foods are really good. For others, they are not.

What foods should elderly people avoid?

Elderly people should avoid high-sodium foods like processed meats, canned soups, and ready-to-eat meals as they can contribute to high blood pressure. They should also limit their intake of sugary snacks and drinks to prevent blood sugar spikes and potential weight gain. It's important for elderly individuals to focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support their overall health and well-being.

Does eating spicy food raise your body temperature?

Yes eating spicy food can slighly raise your physical body temperature

When can you eat spicy foods when you have a tongue ring?

Lay off of spicy foods for about 2 weeks after getting the piercing.