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Q: Why did large plantation owners controlled the south?
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Which group controlled most of the life In the south?

Wealthy Plantation Owners.

Did a small number of wealthy plantation owners control politics?

Small plantation owners, which was the secOnd highest social class in the south, controlled politics in the south.

Who controlled much of the south's cotton trade by the mid-19th century?

New York and New England capitalists controlled the South's cotton trade by the middle of the 19th century. To a large extent, large cotton plantation owners in the South also played a role in controlling US cotton trade.

Who depended on slavery in the south?

plantation owners

Who owned the slaves in the south?

mainly rich plantation owners

Who owned most slaves in the south?

The rich.. ,, politicians,, and plantation owners formerly

How many plantation owners in the south owned slaves?

Quite a few.

Who held the most political and economic power in the south?

small farmers formed the majority of the southern population, the planters controlled much of the south's economy.

Prior to the civil war which group had the most political power in the south?

The plantation owners

Why did plantation owners in the south need slaved?

so they wouldn't have to do all the work themselves

Why did most slaves live in the south?

Most slaves were owned by plantation owners. Plantations were very large and needed more people to work on it so that the owners could get rich quick. Also, during the cotton boom, a lot of plantation owners needed more workers to get cotton ready for sale. Slaves didn't have to be paid, just bought.

What is a term for large farms in the south?

i believe its called a plantation.