If its a BB Gun, Then Yes.
BB gun. Fires a round BB.
Which model, what is the condition of the BB gun or is it a BB rifle..
It's a BB Gun.
A BB gun is a gun which shoots BB-size pellets, typically with the use of compressed air, or a compressed spring.
You don't magnetize the BB's. The Magnet is inside the BB gun. The gun has to be taken apart and the magnet that holds the BB's replaced. Not all designs use this method of holding BB in place.
$200 for a BB gun
You can mail a BB gun via UPS.
This BB gun was made by WHO?
A BB gun would be more powerful
No, They were invented long before him. He invented the first Model Daisy BB Rifle, but BB rifles where around before that. Lewis and Clark carried an air rifle with them and the Austrian army had air rifles in the 1500's
It sounds like a Daisy BB gun.