For exactly the same reason slavery exists today. For personal gain.
Africans engaged in the transatlantic slave trade primarily due to economic motives, as the trade provided access to valuable European goods, weapons, and resources. Additionally, some African societies participated in the slave trade to acquire power and influence through alliances with European traders. It is important to note that the slave trade was facilitated and intensified by European colonization and exploitation of Africa.
Africans traded gold, ivory, and other resources for goods such as firearms, textiles, and rum in the triangle trade. The main commodity that Africans were traded for in this trade route was slaves.
Africans were traded for goods such as guns, alcohol, textiles, and other commodities as part of the transatlantic slave trade. They were exchanged for these items in Africa by European slave traders in exchange for transporting them to the Americas to be sold as slaves.
Europeans used enslaved Africans primarily for forced labor in industries such as mining, agriculture, and construction. Enslaved Africans were also used as domestic servants and in other forms of manual labor.
Africans were traded as slaves because European colonizers needed a cheap source of labor for their growing colonies in the Americas. The transatlantic slave trade became a profitable enterprise for European traders and slave owners, leading to the forced migration and enslavement of millions of Africans for centuries.
The kind of works that the Africans do for Europeans are farming crops. The Europeans donâ??t usually trust the Africans for them to be the middle man that is why they are usually placed on farms.
The Europeans benefited from the slave trade more so than the Africans. Europeans traded mainly weapons to Africans, in which they sold their own people as slaves.
The north Africans traded salt, gold, animals and slaves
the spanish and the africans traded thingsthey made the africans into slavesthe spanish took over the africans home
Africans traded gold, ivory, and other resources for goods such as firearms, textiles, and rum in the triangle trade. The main commodity that Africans were traded for in this trade route was slaves.
East Africans traded most often with Arabs and Asians.
Hydrogen bombs.
they traded spices, cloth, and barley
they traded with the africans and they trad each other slave and other things