Well, it started off as kind of silly (and not very good). You see, the elves bet Santa that he couldn't fit down a chimney. Santa took the bet; the elves laughed because, well, Santa's pretty big around the belly. But the elves forgot to say "you can't use magic". So Santa could go down the chimneys using his magic from stardust and moonbeams... But for everyone else, it's not safe to go down a chimney. People cannot fit and get stuck in there...then the fire department has to come and rescue them.
The tradition of Santa climbing down chimneys is believed to have originated from various European winter solstice customs and folklore. It was popularized in 1823 by the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (commonly known as "Twas the Night Before Christmas"), where Santa is described as coming down the chimney to deliver gifts to children.
he uses a magic stick to either make him very thin or invisible, that is why he can comethrough smallest of chimneys even in Apartment buildings or just through doors. The reason he uses chimneys has has to park those reindeer somewhere, so a roof is the best place, if he parks it on the street people will see him, and you know he does NOT want that!
The chimney magically fits around him.
Atmospheric pressure decreases as you climb a mountain because there is less air above pushing down on you. This decrease in pressure can cause symptoms like shortness of breath and fatigue at high altitudes.
In folklore and popular culture, Santa Claus is depicted as a magical figure who does not age and lives forever. This immortality is part of the mystique surrounding Santa Claus as a symbol of generosity and holiday spirit.
santa is not real your parents are the one who buys your presant so thank them
Yes, raccoons can climb down chimneys and they can climb up chimneys. This is why it is wise to have a secure chimney cap to prevent this activity.
Santa Claus travels down chimneys.
he jumps
he rides down them
"Santa Cluas" or "St. Nicholas"
Of course he does!
Because it soots him! Also he can't get arrested for breaking and entering.
Santa must be very slippery in order to get down some of those narrow chimneys.
Santa can't fly, although he can glide up and down chimneys; that's a little magic trick of his. Santa's reindeer fly because they are a very special, rare breed.
Well, it started as a joke, The Elves bet Santa that he couldn't fit down the chimney-- because of his round belly. But they forgot to tell Santa "without using magic". Chimneys won't fit a human, or even a child---and it's very dangerous too. But Santa used his magic and ... well, that's how Santa started coming down chimneys. BUT-- no one but Santa should even try this! You'll get stuck and hurt and fire & rescue workers will have to take apart the whole chimney just to get you out.
According to sources, Santa comes down the chimney every Christmas when he is sure every child is sound asleep dreaming of the next day. Don't wake up, or else he'll notice!