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Indentured servants didn't work out and Native Americans wouldn't be slaves so they wanted workers. The first slave came in 1619.

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European colonists brought enslaved Africans to their plantations in the Americas to provide cheap labor for cultivating crops like sugar, tobacco, and cotton. The transatlantic slave trade became a lucrative enterprise that helped fuel the economic prosperity of European colonies. Enslaved Africans were forcibly brought to the Americas to meet the labor demands of the expanding plantation economy.

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Q: Why did European colonists bring enslaved Africans to their plantations in the Americas?
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When did European colonists begin using Africans as slaves?

European colonists began using Africans as slaves in the early 1500s with the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade. The demand for labor in European colonies led to the systematic enslavement of Africans to work on plantations and in various industries.

Why did large numbers of Africans migrate to the Americas?

Large numbers of Africans were forcibly brought to the Americas as slaves during the transatlantic slave trade, beginning in the 16th century. This migration was driven by European colonizers' need for cheap labor to work on plantations and in mines in the Americas.

How did africans capture and enslavement?

Africans were captured for enslavement through various means including raids, warfare, kidnapping, and trade with European slave traders. They were often sold by fellow Africans or European slave traders to work on plantations in the Americas. The transatlantic slave trade was brutal and dehumanizing, resulting in the forced migration of millions of Africans.

The African slave trade grew because European nations wanted the captured Africans to do what?

European nations wanted the captured Africans to provide labor for their colonies in the Americas, working on plantations and in mines. This demand for labor was driven by the lucrative trade in commodities such as sugar, coffee, and tobacco.

How did scarcity of labor in the Americas encourage the Atlantic slave trade?

The scarcity of labor in the Americas, particularly in industries like agriculture and mining, led to the increased demand for slaves to work on plantations and in other labor-intensive activities. This demand fueled the growth of the Atlantic slave trade as European powers and colonists sought to fulfill their need for labor by forcibly bringing enslaved Africans to the Americas.

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European traders sent africans to the Americas to?

work as slaves on plantations

What were reasons for European colonists to buy Africans for slave labor?

European colonists bought Africans for slave labor due to the need for cheap labor to cultivate cash crops, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, in the colonies. Africans were seen as physically capable and resistant to diseases like malaria, making them desirable as laborers. The transatlantic slave trade also provided economic benefits to European merchants and planters.

What major role did West Africans play in the European settlement of the Americas?

The West Africans contributed significantly to the European settlement of the Americas, but not of their free will. Most of them were brought here as slaves to be sold to owners of plantations or as house servants.

Which European country was first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?

Spain was the first country to import enslaved Africans to the Americas :)

What kind of plantations did the European colonists build?

The first, and most successful long-term plantations in the United States were tobacco plantations.

What European country was the first to import enslaved africans to the Americas?


Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?

Spain was the first country to import enslaved Africans to the Americas :)

Why did Europeans begin relying on African labor for their plantations in the Americas?

Indigenous populations in the Americas had been devastated by European diseases.

What was the role of European plantations in the growth of slavery?

Africans and Asians shaped the history of our global age.

How did European conquerors meet their need for labor on sugar plantations?

They brought enslaved Africans to America.

How were the French colonists in French Guiana were like other European colonists in nearby countries?

Well I know one reason is that the French also founded a colony of sugarcane plantations worked by enslaved Africans. Its in my textbook so I can't be wrong. Glad to help. :)

Which European country was the first to enslave Africans to the Americans?

Spain was the first European country to import African slaves to the Americas. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Spanish started bringing Africans as slave labor for their plantations and mines. Juan de Cordoba was the first Spaniard to send African slaves to the New World.