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because we are all born differently. I, for once had the same question after somebody made fun of me because i did not have normal feet. but i guess all we can do is just be ourselves and ignore what everyone else thinks.

Not to change the above answer, just add a little, it seems society,( the perfect people) have theyre standards, and for those that are so unfortunate as to not be born "perfect" like the perfect peolpe, then they consider you abnormal, as to why some of use are born different, only God knows, and if there is no God, then I don't think any one knows.

Most of us, yes that is correct, we are all born differently, perhaps we are the "normal", most of us can not be perfect and perfectly the same, like the perfect people would like us to be, thats why they are researching genetic engineering, so they can make every body the same, and "perfectly normal".

Unfortunately ,probably one of the "perfect people" will also edit this and remove my answer so I am wasteing my time.

The answer is , because they have not yet figured out exactly how to control that (conception and birth) in a way to make sure everyone is born "normal" according to theyre standards.

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