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Because it's highly toxic and not only can some of the substance seep into your hand or any open wounds, but its vapors are extremely toxic.

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9mo ago

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can be absorbed through the skin, so direct contact should be avoided. It is also a liquid at room temperature, making it hard to contain and potentially exposing you to its harmful effects. Handling mercury without proper precautions can lead to serious health risks.

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Q: Why can't you hold mercury in your hand?
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How much gold can mercury hold?

Mercury can hold 13 times its weight in gold. This property is utilized in the mining industry for the process of extracting gold from ore.

What happens if you put your hand in mercury?

Mercury is a toxic element that can be absorbed through the skin. Contact with mercury can lead to skin irritation, rashes, and possible long-term health effects. It is important to avoid contact with mercury and seek medical attention if exposed.

Why cant Mercury be recycled?

Mercury has unique properties that make it challenging to recycle. It is a heavy metal with a high toxicity level, which poses health and environmental risks if not handled properly. Additionally, the process of recycling mercury can be complex and expensive due to the need for specialized equipment and stringent safety measures to ensure proper disposal of any residual mercury.

How does the temperature of the ice chip compare to the temperature of your hand?

The ice chip is colder than the temperature of your hand. When you hold the ice chip, heat from your hand is transferred to the ice chip, causing it to melt while at the same time lowering the temperature of your hand.

Is Mercury a metallic bond?

Mercury exhibits metallic bonding due to its structure where electrons are free to move throughout the metal cation lattice, creating a "sea of electrons" that hold the metal ions together. This allows mercury to conduct electricity and heat well, properties characteristic of metallic bonding.

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What can you hold in your right hand that your friend cant hold in her right hand?

Her right hand.

What can you hold on your left hand that you cant hold on your right?

your right wrist

What will happen if you hold a mercury thermometer from its bulb?

If you hold a mercury thermometer from its bulb, the heat from your hand can cause the mercury to expand and rise in the tube, giving an inaccurate reading. Additionally, mercury is toxic, so it is not safe to handle a broken thermometer. Always handle thermometers by the plastic casing to avoid these issues.

Why cant you make animals follow you in minecraft?

You can, hold wheat in your hand and if your close enough they will follow you.

What pure elements would be dangerous to hold in the palm of your hand?

Pure sodium and pure mercury are two elements that would be dangerous to hold in the palm of your hand. Sodium is highly reactive and can react violently with moisture in the air, while mercury is a toxic metal that can be absorbed through the skin.

How do you change the driver side window switch on a 1999 mercury villager?

It's held on by one screw in the hand hold.

Your pet mouse is terrified of you what can you do to make it not be?

Hold it. That sounds stupid but hold it everyday. soon it will learn, oh, the hand is not dangerous, its nice! Everytime you hold it give it a treat like a small peice of chees or something. IF you cant get him into your hand, get everything out of the cage, sit in the bath tub so he cant escape, and just let him get used to your smell and hands. Good luck!

Why can't you hold mercury metal in your hand?

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can be absorbed through skin contact. It can cause severe health problems, including damage to the nervous system and kidneys. Handling mercury with bare hands can result in contamination and long-term health risks.

Handles you cant hold?

The handles that you cannot hold in your hand are the little squares at the edges and corners of a graphic on the computer screen. The handle can be moved with the mouse pointer to re-size the graphic.

What is the name of the song with these lyrics I can feel you tremble when we touch can we tempt the hand of fate reaching out to both of us I can't hold back I'm on the edge?

"i cant hold back" by survivor

Can you hold Mercury in your hand?

Yes. It is a heavy metal and will lead to mercury poisoning over time as it is a cumulative breaks in your poisoning is done if it dosent do inside your body . but if it goes may lead to cancer

What can be found on earth that cant be found on mercury?

Mercury has the lack of oxygen and humans.