Spotting can occur for many reasons, mid-cycle it can be hormonal imbalance of ovulation.
If this is a one-off don't worry,but if it continues talk to your doctor about the problem.
Hi, Progesterone usually increases prior to a womans period and cause the period to arrive in some cases. Low progesterone may cause spotting but so does pregnancy.
yes it can,
what does it mean you start to have a light pink discharge after your period
one week
no it will be light pink and not much at a time
what does it mean when you start spotting 6 days after your period has ended
If you're having un-explained spotting you should seek medical advice as there are so many reasons for this. To answer your question, spotting is common to for 2 or 3 days about a week before your period is due (implantation spotting - where an embryo is implanting itself in the uterus) just prior to your period and immediately after your period. It also sometimes occurs for the day of ovulation. It's usually a very light pink or brown colour and not very dark, but can vary from person to person. If your spotting appears mucosy, seems to be getting heavier or has clots in it, please seek IMMEDIATE medical advice.
Yes.. It is pretty normal for most women. If the spotting beyond your period lasts longer then a week, consult your dr!
Spotting can possibly be a symptom of pregnancy.
Spotting is normal before your period, it's just the start of your period as the uterine lining starts to shed. You can also get spotting after your period, or mid-cycle spotting around the time of ovulation.
I've just got done with my period a week ago, but i had intercourse the day before my last day of my period and then a week later i had intercourse again..the next day i startiung apotting and the day after i was spotting a little more heavier...whats the meaning to this?
You're pregnant by the sound of it.