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Sometimes that just happens and things happen that way for a reason. It hurts to see your friends have love and you don't, and trust me, oh it hurts. But I have learned that someone will come along for you and you just have to have your chance at being lucky for once. You can't be unlucky all your life.

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Q: Why are you so unlucky with girls?
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Luck is a random event, occurring without a reason.

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In the word "unlucky," the prefix "un-" means not or opposite. So "unlucky" means not lucky or unfortunate.

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A sentence with the word 'unlucky' would just be a normal sentence. You would be very unlucky if your teacher realized that you had plagiarized this sentence.

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No, there is no such thing as a lucky or unlucky number: there is only superstition.

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the number 13 is unlucky because there were 13 steps to the gaols (the haging rope)

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It's not, I'm Irish, and I've never heard of it being unlucky. I wear green all the time. I have never been taught it is unlucky. So green is not seen as unlucky in Ireland.

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A lot of numbers can be unlucky, depending on which period of time you are asking about, or what background you have. The most common unlucky numbers are 13, 666 (the number of Satan) and 4 - in Greek Mythology, the lucky number was 3 so 4 was an unlucky number.

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There is no such thing as an unlucky day. Although, there are unlucky things such as the devil.

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