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Its genetics, during the reproduction of sex cells there are changes in the chromosomes causing everyone to be different. This can make siblings very different it just depends on the amount of genetic material changed in each chromosome.

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Q: Why are you so tall when your brother is a midget?
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How tall is the biggest midget?

A midget is really small, so the biggest midget would be considered tall to other midgets. Just common sense.

Is bobb'e j Thompson a midget?

He is only 5 foot tall. but he his funny so hes not a midget(((((((:

Which wayans brother is the midget?


Who played the Pittsburgh midget?

Paul Flahrety, who is the brother of Joe and was a writer on SCTV at the time played the Pittsburgh Midget.

Who is the tallest midget?

the tallest midget is a guy who is 3 feet tall..ish I don't know who, but the tallest you can be and still be considered ''an official midget'' is 4'10''.

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How tall was king william111 of england?

he was exactly 1 metre tall. yeh, he was a midget.

How tall was Nelson the Midget?

He was 4 foot 3 inches

What causes a person to be so short?

Well they can be a midget or they were born early. or they might have a disease, i am too tall but i know alot of short people ( not just because i am tall )

Is Mars a rockey midget or a gas giant?

Rocky, and not so midget-y.

What shall i do if im a midget?

if u are a midget you should make a machine and use it to stretch your self so u are not a midget ok

What do you call a person under 3 feet tall?

a meter a midget a munchkin