it probably is your period but its just slightly off colour. If you are worried consult a doctor otherwise confine in a trusted adult.
Hormonal birth control changes your menstrual bleeding. It's not unusual to have brown spotting instead of a regular period when you're on birth control.
Take a pregnancy test to find out. Back pain is not the chief symptom of pregnancy, and brown spotting can be normal with the IUD.
Yes it could be.
Brown spotting after a period means that your just coming off and it happens for a day or two after your period its no big deal so dont freak out!:]
There are many reasons that you could be spotting. You should make an appointment with your doctor and have blood work done.
why am i bleeding heavy and having blood clots ? i even bleed thourgh my tapons
You can still have spotting when you are pregnant. This is a normal symptom. I would talk to your doctor about any changes you are having.
It is probably because you are ovulating (releasing an egg) Lots of people get pain and brown spotting during ovulation, which occurs shortly after your period
This is actually really common, if you havn't started yet and you are experiencing this, then you are likely to start very soon. If you have started and this is happening, then I wouldn't worry too much, it's just probably dried blood or your having a very light period.
Your period..............maybe or skid marks