A good physique is attained by proper planning. Exercise regularly. A physical trainer provides great assistance in gaining the proper amount of weight and mass Arte the appropriate places. They also help you with personalized plans. Hit the gym. Developing a healthy and good physique at the home level is quite difficult. Planning alone is not enough. Organizing oneself and hitting the gym is important. A calorie deficit of 3,600 calories is required to reduce a pound of body fat, either through food or exercise.
Both cardio and resistance training are recommended for mass gain and enhancement of physique. Cardio exercises burn the extra fat, whereas resistance training helps in building muscle mass. A balanced diet with all the foods from the food pyramid provides great help. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, pulses, legumes, fruits and vegetables prove beneficial by providing all the essential vitamins, dietary fibre and minerals. Increase your calorie intake by having four to five meals. Protein forms the base for mass gain. Around 0.8 grams per pound of body weight is recommended. Avoid saturated and Trans fats. Opt for healthy fats, such as mono unsaturated fats and poly unsaturated fats. OR.. just quit exercise and dieting
What is your diet? Healthy diet is a big source of controversy at the moment. Some say Low Calorie is best, some Low Fat and Low Carbohydrate. The Atkins diet has worked sucessfully for many celebs and ordinary folks. It allows you to eat all the protein and animal fats you want but only restricts veg and fruit and no carbs.
The very latest research indicates that a high protein diet is the most sucessful strategy for weight loss.
Apparently when we eat mostly protein, our appetite is more easily satisfied, therefore we consume less calories.
I believe we would all be much healthier if we restricted our carbohydrate intake especially in the form of processed foods such as biscuits, cakes and white bread.
As to your exercise; Is it aerobic and designed to burn fat? eg Are you running freely at speed and measuring your pulse to ensure you give your entire body a work out? Or are you running with resistance, which will build the biggest muscles in the body, those in the legs?
Weight lifting is not normally considered an aerobic excercise. It is designed to increase muscle and tone. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if your muscles are building it is very likely that your weight will increase.
Lastly, give yourself a break; you have made a good start to the year and can only learn more about your body if you keep trying. Be patient and try to change your daily habits rather than punish yourself with intense regimes that are set up to fail.
Walk more; Dance; Run up a flight or two of stairs each day; Become more aware of your body and respect it rather than despise it. Give it the right amount of everything it requires and you WILL see the results. Good Luck
When you initially start an exercise program, you'll usually notice a small weight gain. Muscle weighs more than fat, and before the fat starts to fade the scale will go up some. Take heart! It usually takes about three weeks for me, but the scale will go the other way. The good news is that muscle actually burns calories - so the more muscle you gain, the faster the weight loss will be later.
It is a big cyclic process..
When you workout in the gym your muscle cells break into small pieces. After that when you eat good nutrition you repair the broken cells. This is called as recovery. But recovery is not all that we need but we need a little more. So we allow rest and keep feeding good food. So while repairing the broken muscle cells the body tends to overcompensate. When we over compensate we actually get more muscle than what we had. And thus you grow due to exercise and diet.
When you are exercising, you are losing a lot of energy. When you get home after a day's workout you will start to get hungry. So you have to eat foods that are less fat and carbohydrates because this kinds of foods will only stays in you body and it will not be converted to energy. try eating foods rich in protein because it will not only give you extra energy but it will also be digested easily and will not become excess fats.
This is how it really works. It makes no sense to say that the reason you gain weight when you begin exercising is that 'muscle weighs more than fat'. A pound is a pound regardless of what you are weighing. The real reason you gain weight when you begin exercising is, 'muscle takes up less space than fat'. In other words, when you begin to convert fat to muscle you may get 'smaller' but gain weight. So the answer to this question is. As you convert fat to muscle you may experience weight gain but you will get smaller as a pound of muscle takes up 5 times less space than a pound of fat does.
My advice is not to weigh yourself at all if you are eating well and exercising.
If you just want to gain fat eat lots of carbs and be sedentary. If you want to gain muscle weight eat protein and lookup muscle building exercises on Google.
Gaining healthy body weight requires a combination of five factors that you not only must learn, but must also learn how to apply. Learning these five factors will allow you to gain healthy lean body weight instead of fat.
Here are the five factors that you must take into consideration to gain weight: 1. Eating - Your diet is as or more important than your weight training workout if you are trying to gain weight. Simply put, in order to fuel your weight training workouts and allow your body to repair muscle tissue, you have to eat a healthy, well balanced diet. This means not only consuming and adequate number of calories, but also eating the right types of food.
2. Strength Training - You have to implement a structured weight training program that incorporates the right exercises along with the correct amount of weight, number of repetitions, and sets. The frequency, intensity, and time of your weight workouts are all critical components of a successful program. Here are a few strength training tips:
* Aim for three to four weight training workouts weekly, with at least one full rest day between muscle groups. * Lift a weight that can only be performed for 8-10 repetitions for each exercise. * Be sure to perform every exercise with correct exercise technique to maximize tension on the muscle, and minimize the possibility of injury. 3. Rest and recovery - Without adequate sleep and rest periods between workouts, your body will not have time to repair tissue, and your immune system will become weak.
Here are two rest and recovery tips:
* Be sure to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. This is the time that your body repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue. Inadequate sleep will not allow your muscles to repair themselves, making it very difficult to build mass. * It's also important to allow enough recovery time in between your weight training workouts. Too many workouts or training the same muscle groups on consecutive days can lead to overtraining, which can ultimately lead to muscle loss. 4. Managing Stress - Chronic stress causes the body to release hormones that literally eat away at your muscle tissue. Managing the stressful situations in your life is an important part of your muscle building program. * Try to relax whenever possible, and eliminate unnecessary stressful situations from your life. * Don't let yourself get worked up over unpleasant situations. Relax and take a deep breath. 5. Learning tips from someone successful - Learning from those whom have been successful can be very helpful and save you plenty of time and money. Read about people online who have accomplished goals that are similar to what you are after. Successful bodybuilders can teach now only what works, but what doesn't work. They already been down the road that you are about to embark on, and can steer you in the right direction. Implementing the above five factors is the best way for you to gain healthy body weight. When designing your weight gain program, be sure to take all five of these elements into consideration. Even if only one is missing, it can have a serious impact on your progress. For more tips on how to gain weight, check out the following free websites: http://www.build-muscle-gain-weight.com
You can gain weight while exercising because your body is gaining muscle before it knows to burn fat...you need muscle to burn fat!!!do the right amount of cadio and strenght training together and you will notice a difference.Cardio burns more calories but you still need to do some strength training to help burn more!!Hope this helps some???
Actually, yes, you can. If you do not have that much body fat, and do not have that much muscle, then working out can make you weigh more, since working out builds muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat, and the more muscle you have, the heavier you get.
However, if you have a lot of body fat, and not that much muscle, you may actually lose weight, since working out can burn fat and build muscle.
Here are excellent suggestions from a variety of WikiAnswer contributors.
How can you gain weight in a HEALTHY way?
By developing specific eating habits and by engaging in regular strength training. Strength/weight training will build more muscle and, by that, you will gain weight. At the bottom of this answer you will find page links that will show you in detail how to eat healthily and how to do weight/strength training exercises), and give you access to free strength/weight training programs suitable for beginners or more advanced.
How can you gain weight in an UNHEALTHY way?
Simple and easy, if you just want to gain body fat eat lots of carbohydrates and be sedentary (move around as little as possible), but be prepared that this can damage your health.
First, let us outline a general overview and then move on to the EATING and EXERCISE headings.
Gaining weight in a healthy way means developing healthy eating habits by eat more quality proteins, plus more quality carbohydrates, whilst eliminating or strictly limit refined processed carbohydrate (apart from an occasional treat). Refined processed carbohydrates are very high calorie, very high carbohydrate foods. Over-consumption of these foods is a major cause of weight gain and obesity. Therefore, you might think that this is an excellent way to gain weight. However, that is NOT a healthy way to gain weight.
Because in addition to being a major cause of obesity, over-consumption of refined processed carbohydrates is also a major cause of heart disease, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and many other diet related diseases and conditions.
At the bottom of this answer you will find page links leading to a list of refined carbohydrates, plus, plus page links to how many calories you will need per day, and how many carbohydrates you will need per day.
Having given you the overview, let's add more detail.
Gaining healthy body weight requires a combination of five factors that you not only must learn, but must also learn how to apply. Learning these five factors will allow you to gain healthy lean body weight instead of fat.
Here are the five factors that you must take into consideration to gain weight:
1. How can you gain weight through healthy eating?
Your diet is as or more important than your strength/weight training workout if you are trying to gain weight. Simply put, in order to fuel your weight training workouts and allow your body to repair muscle tissue, you have to eat a healthy, well balanced diet. This means not only consuming and adequate number of calories, but also eating the right types of food. Protein is a good food to eat more of if you wish to gain 'healthy weight,' and it must be accompanied with natural (not processed or refined) carbohydrates, and plenty of fresh water to process the protein effectively
2. How can you gain weight through strength/weight Training
You have to implement a structured weight-training program that incorporates the right exercises along with the correct amount of weight, number of repetitions, and sets. The frequency, intensity, and time of your weight workouts are all critical components of a successful program. For in-depth information about how to do this, see the page link at the bottom of this answer.
Well, I would recommend exercising daily or regularly for longer periods of time to ensure gaining weight on the body, but not fat. That way, the person is still healthy.
Stop exercising them. The muscle will atrophy. (Also, you'll probably lose weight rather than gain it; muscle is more dense than fat.)
yes it does help you lose weight because water has hydrogen in it and h20.
It doesn't. It makes you gain muscles. Chances are though that you're gaining muscles without losing excess fat if you're exercising to lose weight. Just start doing short, intense cardio and you'll start to lose some body fat.
Yes, you may think that exercising helps you loose weight but that is incorrect. Exercising builds musclewhich adds weight to your body.MJC
If you aren't exercising enough to "stress" the muscles, you won't gain muscle mass. If you aren't exercising enough to burn the extra calories of the supplements you'll gain fat.
Eating right and exercising is the gold standard. If you're having issues controlling food portions, perhaps you should see a nutritionist.
Well if you're ONLY dieting than the diet is probably the wrong one. But if your EXERCISING then you're probably gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so your losing fat on your body but gaining muscle mass. You should do a body fat percentage for your body, it will help you understand the weight gain.
Wearing a hoodie while exercising does not directly help burn more calories. However, it can increase body temperature and sweat, which may lead to temporary weight loss through water loss. It is important to stay hydrated and not overheat while exercising in a hoodie.
Wearing a jacket while exercising does not directly help burn more calories. However, it can increase body temperature and sweat, which may lead to temporary weight loss due to water loss. It is important to stay hydrated and not overheat while exercising with a jacket on.
The best weight loss program is to make sure that you eat a healthy diet while exercising. It is not suggested to take any chemical supplements while breast feeding.
If you are exercising, and weight training regularly, you may be burning fat while developing your muscles more. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you notice that you are looking more toned and slim, but not losing, or even gaining weight, then it is most likely the newly acquired muscle. Go by how you look, not what the scale says.