War time. The last thing they were worried about was paper records.
1943 ~ 1948. No records for individual years then.
1943-1948 is as close as you can get. Records are incomplete.
fire or flood IIRC
Records are incomplete, so 1943-48 is as close as you can get.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the War years of 1943-1948.Winchester did not keep records of there production by serial number during this time span.
The gun was made between 1943 and 1948.Winchester records for the 94 are a little shaky in that serial range.
Between 1943 and 1948. No records were kept.
The gun was made just after WW2. Winchester records are shakey between 1943 and 1948 so I cant say exactly.
It was made between 1943 and 1948. No records available between those dates.
The year of manufacture is between 1943 and 1948. No records are available for those years.
between 1943 and 1947, records were inaccurate for those years but the number falls into that range.
1943 according to Mc Henry records of that gun model