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There are 4 suits and each suit has 13 cards. 4 x 13 = 52.

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Pick a card, any card. Say it's a 7. Chances of drawing a 7 next are 3 out of 51, because thee are now three 7s in the 51-card deck. If you do, chances of drawing another 7 are 2 out of 50, and the fourth one 1 out of 49. So far that's 6 out of 124950 or 1 out of 20825. But that's drawing four cards and getting four of a kind; a fifth card gives you more chances because you are allowed one card that's not a 7 in the first five you draw. How do you deal with that?

OK, let's start over. First card is Y, which may be 7 or any other card. Success (4 of a kind) will be when you draw YYYYX, YYYXY, YYXYY, YXYYY, or YXXXX in order as you draw (X is the first denomination you draw that isn't Y). Each of these five cases has the same 1 out of 20825 chance as what I described above, which is the YYYYX case. Adding the five probabilities up, you get 1 out of 4165, or to put it another way, the odds of 4 of a kind are 4164 to 1 against you.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because there are 52 weeks, there are spades, diamonds etc; 4 in total because there are 4 seasons, there are 13 cards in each because there are 13 weeks in each season. The 2 different colour represent the cold season and the warm season. For example the reds represents the warm season and the blacks represent the cold season.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Explanation 1














Hearts, Diamonds (red)

Clubs, Spades (black)

13x4 = 52

Explanation 2

There Are 52 card In a Deck Game,There Are 13 Different Types Of Card,Given Below.














so 13x4=52

4 suits (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades)

each suit has 13 card, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,19, jack, queen, king, ace

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The deck of 52 French playing cards is the most common deck of playing cards used today. It includes thirteen ranks of each of the four French suits, clubs (♣), diamonds ( ), hearts (♥) and spades (♠), with reversible "court" or face cards.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There are 13 cards for each suit. The Ace, being one, then 2 through 9. Afterwards are the face cards, the Jack, Queen, and King. There are 4 suits, which totals 52 cards, without Jokers.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There are 4 aces in a normal pack of 52 playing cards.

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βˆ™ 16y ago


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Why are there fifty-two cards in a normal pack-?

The reason why there are fifty-two cards in a normal pack is because there are 4 suits with 13 cards in each suit.

Why are there fifty-two cards in a normal pack?

There are fifty two cards in every pack of cards because there is four of every cars, ace through king. Thirteen times four is fifty two.

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Assuming there are no Joker cards the chance is one in twenty six. There are fifty two cards in a pack and only two of them are black kings.

What is the probability of drawing a black card from a pack of cards?

Assuming there are no Joker cards the chance is one in twenty six. There are fifty two cards in a pack and only two of them are black kings.

What is the probability of picking an ace of spades randomly from a pack of cards?

1/52 or one out of fifty-two

How many black twos are there in a normal pack of cards?

Two. One in spades and one in clubs.

What is the probability that you draw a two or four when you pick a card at random from a pack of playing cards?

Form a normal pack of 52 cards (no Jokers), it is 2/13 or approx 0.154

If you draw a card from a normal deck of cards what is the probability the card is the king of diamonds?

The probability is one in fifty-two.

How many cards must be chosen from a deck to guarantee that at least two aces and two other values are chosen?

Fifty cards.Fifty cards.Fifty cards.Fifty cards.

How many clubs are there in a deck of fifty two cards?

There are thirteen cards in each suit.

What is fifty-two C in a D short for?

cards in a deck?

Why are there fifty-two cards in a pack?

If your question refers to the structure of the cards, there are four suits, each with 13 cards: A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K If your question refers to why these cards were selected, the popular answer is that there are four suits for the four seasons and thirteen cards in each because there are thirteen weeks in a season. As you can see, the 52 cards correspond with the fact that a year has 52 weeks.