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Southerners are against LGBT because it goes against their collective values

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Q: Why are southerners against LGBT rights?
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Related questions

Do gay rights exist in Utah?

As of 2013, there are some. Most LGBT people in the state are protected against employment and housing discrimination. Most LGBT students in the state are protected against higher-education discrimination. That's about it.

What is WikiAnswers stance on LGBT rights?

WikiAnswers does not have a stance on LGBT rights. WikiAnswers provides answers, not opinions.

Is Democratic Party against LGBT rights?

The democratic party itself is generally quite accepting, but the people in the party could have their own ideas.

Were people openly LGBT in 1876?

No, in fact, even in the few countries that had no laws against LGBT people, those people were still not out, due to the stigma that surrounded LGBT people.No, in fact, even in the few countries that had no laws against LGBT people, those people were still not out, due to the stigma that surrounded LGBT people.

What does the HRC do in the LGBT community?

The Human Rights Campaign works for advocacy for the LGBT community. Not only does it lobby for LGBT issues, but it also sponsors programs of interest to the community.

What is the republican party say about gay rights?

The party line is generally against equality for the LGBT community, although there are a handful of Republicans who don't follow the party line.

Southerners believed they were fighting for?

States rights and property rights.

What do gay and lesbian activists do in Australia?

In Australia today, there are many activist groups dealing with LGBT rights, which are listed on Wikipedia's "LGBT rights in Australia" page, which can be found in the Related Links section of this page.

What are the principles of amnesty international?

Amnesty International fights for Human Rights, to stop vilence against women, to abolish the death penalty, fight for LGBT rights, and to help vivtims of conscience.

Does Abercrombie support gay rights?

Yes, Abercrombie & Fitch are supporters of LGBT equality.

Southerners believed that these tariffs violated?

their states rights.

Southerners justified secession with the theory of ...?

state's rights