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I have been called quiet thousands of times. My parents are very quiet people as well so I guess sometimes it is just hereditary.

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Q: Why are some people so quiet?
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Is being quiet a negative quality?

A new friendship needs conversation, interaction and shared experiences to grow and so some people are uncomfortable with quiet. With a strong established friendship, quiet times are often the most meaningful.

How do you tell the people to be quiet in a tennis match?

Tell them to be quiet so the players can think and if they still won't be quiet ask them to leave.

Why do people need to be quiet?

People need to be quiet occasionally because if you are reading, writing or doing something that takes patients or is scary, you need people to be quiet so they are not distracting you and you can concentrate.There are many other reasons - to many to count - why you should be quiet.

When was Quiet Music for Quiet People created?

Quiet Music for Quiet People was created in 2006.

Do people kill dugongs for stuff?

i don't know, so be quiet

Why is retail so quiet now?

People have less money to spend.

Is quiet a character trait?

Yes, at least I think so. Here's how I see it, people could say "Oh, he/she is just like that, he/she is just quiet". Sure, you could be quiet temporarily, but you could also just be "a quiet person" so that's what I think.

Who controls a Bureaucracy. What are some of the methods used to keep it under control?

The Government does. when we pay our taxes some people get upset about what goes on, so a method used would be murdering a whole group of people to keep others quiet. The Government does. when we pay our taxes some people get upset about what goes on, so a method used would be murdering a whole group of people to keep others quiet. THIS IS ALL TRUE AND IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT YOU ARE STUPID. YOU WILL FIND THIS INFORMATION ON ANOTHER WEBSITE

Why do the people be hiding in the annex have to be quiet?

so no one will haer them and take them away

Why is retail so quiet just now?

People have less money to spend.

Are Americans are generally quite shy and quiet people?

Some Americans are, some aren't. well some people are rude like tyrek and Kenya

How did the razor shell get its name?

jhrtfuohguitgy7tyr898utgifdchvjxc maybe they just wanted some freakin peace and quiet so they bult a shell to get away from all the people and noise