"Because they need attention, lack of humilty and self esteem."
I find that very offensive. Some people are just naturally loud and can't help it. It's not to seek attention, it's just that they just talk louder.
As for annoying, well, everyone has their own opinions.
"Mendoukusai" or "Meiwaku" = irritating, annoying, troubelsome "Urusai" = loud (your telling the person he's being loud and annoying)
throw it off a skyscraper, won't be annoying after that.
not all kids are annoying. but some are annoying because they like to have all the attention from everyone to make some people jealous. so every kids are not annoying. those kinds of kids will have a good future.
Usually because we are so impatient and irritable.
Step 1) Buy your self ear plugs. Step 2) Play loud music. Step 3) Leave the music on really loud while playing out side.
Because some people are stupid and annoying and have nothing better to do.
Whhaaa? xD To some people he may be annoying but his true purpose is to advertise with humour =3
people just do the things they do. if you don't like it say so, if they don't stop you don't have to listen to them.
There is nothing special about a third cousin that makes him or her particularly annoying. Some poeple can be annoying. Sometimes annoying people are third cousins, sometimes first cousins or siblings, and sometimes they are not related to you at all.
That girl is so obnoxious, she treats me like I'm her maid!
Some trucks are so loud because of poor synchronization.
Preppy people are annoying because they don't know when to shut up. Also they listen to annoying music so it rubs off on them! lolz