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Q: Why are robins so popular on Victorian Christmas cards?
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Why is a robin at Christmas famous?

Robins can be seen in increased numbers in the winter months, in the UK where the Christmas robin is popular. Victorian mail men became known as "Robin" because of their red uniforms and robins became popular on Christmas cards as a result.

Why were Postmen in Victorian England called robins?

The postmen in Victorian times were nicknamed 'Robin Postmen' because of the red uniforms they wore. They were the first to deliver Christmas Cards, this is why Old St. Nick red clothing is derived from.

Where is it possible to buy Victorian style christmas cards?

Victorian style Christmas cards are very beautiful and can be more of a centerpiece then just a card. A few places to purchase these cards are Grandmas Attic, Pumpkin Hill House, and Victorian Trading Company.

What year giving Christmas cards started?

1843 during the Victorian era.

In what month are Christmas cards most popular in the UK?

December tends to be the month that Christmas cards are most popular in the UK. Other months when Christmas cards are popular are in late November when you may start sending them out, and early January when they would go on sale in stores.

What are some popular motives on Christmas greetings cards?

There are many popular motifs on Christmas cards. They include winter landscapes, Santa Claus, decorated Christmas trees with presents, snowmen and a fireplace with stockings.

Why is the robin bird famous?

It is supposed that the Robin became famous when they began appearing on Christmas Cards in the Victorian Age.

Where can I get some beautiful christmas cards?

Beautiful christmas cards can be hand made yourself or sold at many retailers. Hallmark and American greeting are popular brands of cards.

Where could you find Christmas cards online?

There are many places where one can find Christmas cards online. One can find Christmas cards online at popular on the web sources such as Hallmark and Vista Print.

What are some popular Christmas Gifts?

Popular Christmas gifts can include toys and play sets for children. Other popular gift ideas might consist of greeting cards, jewelry and gift certificates or gift cards.

In what month are Christmas charity cards most popular?

The month that the Christmas charity cards are usually most popular is obviously December. Maybe if you want to be more obvious, it's usually right after Thanksgiving.

When did the Christmas tree start being apart of Christmas?

in Victorian times when one of the royal family brought the tradition over from Germany (i cant remember who) and it was the same time that Christmas cards were introduced too