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They typically drag because that's how they make sound. If it didn't dray there would be no music.

If you mean that it sounds slow, that is because as stated above, it is part of the process. Better turntables have a strobe to adjust the timing, or speed of the rotation to keep it at 33 rpm or 45 rpm or 78 rpm.

Which brings me to the next part of the answer. Make sure that the speed of the turntable matches the speed of the recording. Playing a 45 rpm record at 33 rpm will sound very slow and dragging. Most record players and turntables have a selector for 33 and 45 rpm. 78rpm records use a different needle, and not all players will play these older format records.

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Q: Why are records dragging on your record player?
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If you have a good, in mint-condition record player meant for playing vinyl records, than they are easy to use. You simply have to place the pin on the record and start the turn table so the record turns.

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