Some people are spiteful because they blame others for their troubles, others are bitter about past events in their lives, and some are just plain mean spirited.
Ever since the divorce, she has been very spiteful.The assault was spiteful and unnecessary.Those spiteful comments had hurt him.
"Spiteful" in Tagalog can be translated as "mapanakit" or "maaksaya."
The Mystery of the Spiteful Letters was created in 1946.
After Tom cheated on his wife she became spiteful.
Despite her bad treatment, he wasn't the least spiteful.
Vindictiveness is a desire to hurt or be spiteful.
Llamas are naturally spiteful creatures. Don't wrong them or they will feel a need for revenge. An easy way to calm one when it is most spiteful is by giving it a banana.
The term "shrews" is often used to describe spiteful, nagging individuals, particularly women.
vengeful, wounding
Ignore them. Don't sink to their level.
Yes, it is. It means "full of spite" or vindictive.