The lack of parental guidance is not necessarily the cause of teenage pregnancy, but teens that have an open communication with their parents or an other responsible adult in their lives tend to have more information on how to avoid pregnancy, even if they are sexually active.
Unprotected sex, lack of sexual education, no access to contraceptives.
I don't believe it is the full answer neglect may be a cause of teenage pregnancy yet many teenagers who feel neglected have not automatically gone to sex for the answer!!! I have reason to believe that teenage pregnancy is caused by young girls who are either not educated in the risks they take, boredom of nothing for young people to do and/or the changing expectations of young girls. To add to this another cause of teenage pregnancy is the expectations for children and teenagers to grow up quickly through a variety of different reasons ie the loss of a parent.
No they do not cause pregnancy.
An empty sac during pregnancy can be caused by a blighted ovum, where a fertilized egg implants in the uterus but doesn't develop into an embryo. It can also be due to early pregnancy loss or an incorrect estimation of gestational age. A healthcare provider can help determine the cause and provide appropriate guidance.
Cuddling won't cause pregnancy.
No it doesn't cause, prevent or end a pregnancy.
No, pregnancy does not cause blue sweat.
Yes, lithium can cause a false pregnancy on a pregnancy test.
White secretions won't cause pregnancy.
Pregnancy may cause your feet to swell.
Sharing a bath won't cause pregnancy.
While it doesn't actually cause pregnancy, it can be a prelude to it.