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The God parents are suppose to be the ones to approve of the girl's coming of age and see her through into adulthood.

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Q: Why are god parents important in a sweet 16?
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How do you ask for a sweet 16 party?

It's always good to know exactly what you want when you ask for something. So before you ask your parents have a rough idea of how many people would come and what you want at the party (and the cost of those things). This way everyone will know what you want for your sweet 16. If your parents feel your party would be excessive you can ask what would be acceptable or you could argue that you feel for a sweet 16 it would be reasonable as the event is important to you

What can you do when you 16?

When your 16, you can do alot of thing, but they all have to be responsible. For example: * You can have a Sweet 16 * You can hang out with your friends * You can get a small time job * You can help people in need * You can help your parents at work

Does a 16 year old have the right to move in with their god parents?

If emancipated minor parents would have to give up rights or allow it

Does a Browning Sweet 16 always have Sweet 16 stamped on it?


Do you need to be baptized to have a sweet 16?

You don't you have to be baptized to have a sweet 16.

What year was Browning Sweet 16 SN X20179 manufactured?

your sweet 16 was made in 1948

What is the value of a browning sweet 16 model 51003?

what is the value of a browning sweet 16 no. 51003

Do italians celebrate sweet 16?

No we dont celebrate sweet 16 . we have our 18th birthday celebrated

Where can I make my daughter sweet 16 invitations online?

You can find templates to make invitations for your daughters sweet 16 party at the following or

What is the meaning of sweet sixteen?

The Browning Sweet 16 is a 16 gauge shotgun manufactured in Belgium. It uses a true 16 gauge barrel and as such is a wonderful shotgun. To a hunter this is a sweet weapon.

Is it traditional to have a sweet 16 court?

A sweet 16 court is traditional and it looks nice but it isn't mandatory.

Can a boy have a Sweet 16 party?

It's more common for teenage girls to have these "Sweet 16" parties.