

Best Answer

Answer 1 (Girl):

I am a high school girl, and I am very attracted to hot guys because they're, well, hot. They are tall, muscular, and they smell good. Biologically, I am programmed to like them. I want the genes of the dominant male, right? But even though I've been asked out by the 'hot' guys before, I haven't gone out with one. That's because most of them are jerks. I'm personally into the tall guys, no matter what social group they're in. I've gone out with a tall jock, nerd, and artsy guy so far, and I have found all of them to be good boyfriends. Hey bitches we all are attracted 2 some one ask my 2 year old sister.

Answer 2 (Guy):

Ok I think that you should hear this from a males point of view. I will be honest I'm in high school and not the best looking guy there nor being rich and a jock. Though I do know some stuff. See I'm what you would call expendable. I say this cause I do not stay with one group I mix around with many different ones such as with jocks, nerds, foreign, and the rich. Also that if i never hung out with one of those groups it wouldn't matter much so I'm not that popular. Ok so my view on this is that yeah all girls do tend to look more for the hot jocks in high school, but I only know one guy out of all the hot jocks which in my school is a total of about 1,000 that would be a nice boyfriend for any girl. Men are pretty basic on thinking everyone knows that. So you could go out with all the hot jocks in the world and I wouldn't care but if that's all you tried to date I and many other would think wow what a hore if I'm ever famous and rich and she wants to date me she's going to get denied. Girls should play around with every type of guy to see what she really likes not what she just wants to look at. This is the same way with girls that only go for the rich guy in high school well this is what I have to say. Those ones are a waste of time because: 1. they aren't the rich ones it's there parents. 2. They are living in a fake reality (say they go to college even if he could get there on his little brain, but there parents wont pay but he is used to never paying he will most likely drop out and be a loser. 3. They usually are greedy and are not something to get married to. The nerds in high school may look bad now but guess what the most rich people in the world who look really nice are usually those nerdy kids you turned down! So never ever should girls think about marrying a guy out of high school unless he has it made and works for you.

Answer 3:

For a lot of girls in high school they want the tall, strong muscular and attractive guys in school, but later as you mature you'll want more than just looks.

Answer 4 (Girl):

With me, it kinda isn't all about looks. Not only do they have to be cute, but they have to have a great personality and a great sense of humor. If they don't, the cuteness doesn't matter... not all girls are attracted to hot guys... it makes us feel protected though...

It's actually because they're usually tall right? and in science class on Wednesday I learned that girls like tall guys so that they protect them. People who aren't tall say they're in high school and they're like 4 feet. Those people have to make a lot of money. The girls like that so that they feel protected not because they're "rotten gold diggers" Also girls like them because they're popular and hot, and looks are close to everything.

With me and the people I know, we aren't really attracted to hot guys so much as that we appreciate their hotness. True, hot guys are fun to look at and drool over, but they aren't worth much more than that unless they're nice.

Girls in high school are attracted to hot guys because they are usually the popular, hot ones. You think no one else can top them, and usually that is true.

But a bit of advice would be that maybe the guy isn't as nice and sweet as you may think.

So meet them, before you may date 'em.

Answer 5:

Okay, what I think is that they simply think they're hot, but are not really "attracted" like they would be to a boyfriend cause usually when girls have a crush or something it's usually not on the popular guy, unless they are popular. So don't freak out if you like a girl and she thinks a popular guy is hot cause it's like the popular guy is a celebrity that everybody "loves."

Most of the time it is because they are older and they are the popular ones.. you don't see girls chasing after the geeks do you...No offense to the geeks there are some very cool ones out there!!!

Yes, girls may be attracted to the hot guys, but high school guys will also be attracted to hot girls. its just the way high school is. However, the girls that aren't shallow and the kind of girls that guys should like will base relationships more on personality than looks.

Answer 6 (Guy):

I'm a guy and I have learned that girls really don't care how a guy looks. They just liked to be liked, and told they're pretty. No lie, just let a know you like her like complimnet her, and itl get you on her mind. Its like planting a seed, and they will go for you. Answer Reply (Girl) O WOW i totally agree with the person above. But this question is like asking why do guys like hot girls except i guess that's different and more because they want sex. But for girls at least for me it's mostly for looks, and popularity and hot people are just fun to be around in general as long as they're not total jerks. A secret for you guys out there, if you like a girl and want to be noticed COMPLIMENT her!! I love when guys compliment me no matter how you look or what your status is it's just nice to hear it because we girls suffer from a lot of insecurity. Take the hottest girl you know and as long as they don't already think you're a creeper if you compliment her she will love it even if she never admits it no matter how you look. Just even knowing that someone has some type of feeling of affection towards you is nice. : ) Personally I just totally luv skater boys the way they talk and everything about them. But I'm open to all types.

Answer Reply (girl ) I can think of a few guys who have told me I'm pretty. It does plant a seed and now I think of them! I won't date them, though. I think that they have all entered the friend phase and they never slowed down to flirt and be mysterious. I know that's a weird word, but if there's no mystery why would i want to get to know you better. The cutest guy in my school flirts. so, flirt and do it a lot until they are hooked. Telling me I'm pretty will show me that you have thought about me before & now want to tell me what you thought. :)

Answer 7:

Look, a lot of girls do not care about hot guys in school. Hot guys do get a lot of attention because they are popular and a lot of girls want to be with them just because of there looks or sports they might play. But if you really pay attention they only go out with them for popularity. That's only a couple of girls.

Answer 8 (Girl):

Most girls have different tastes. Like I personally like the tagger sk8er type of guy or the gangster... looks don't really matter, but they are the eye of the beholder.

Answer 9:

Mostly girls want the "hot guys at high school" because they want to fit in. They want popularity.

Answer 10:

Haha, this question makes me laugh. I totally agree with the person who wrote above me. Unfortunately, people are mainly attracted to each other by looks. Its just the way it is. I am a freshman in high school and i can tell you that looks play a big part. People are attracted to you by the sports you play, popularity, hair, eyes, face, body type, clothes, car, and your personality.

Answer 11 (Guy):

Okay, the first thing a guy/girl looks for is the attractiveness, they don't fall for you for your personality at first sight. See the word i used was sight. Exactly the first thing someone looks at is attractiveness then they start to find out there personality, and see if they like that. But most high school guys, want girls for sex and that's it. Once in a while you will find the guy that wants the relationship. The people that get the best jobs are usually tall attractive people, so if you are not that tall or attractive and going for a job and there is someone else there getting interviewed with you and she is tall and attractive, and you both got say the same resume, she will get the job. Its a better image. That's how it is in high school, excepts its not jobs its boyfriends and girlfriends. I'm not that tall for a guy O'm five foot seven but than again i am attractive and smart. I'm a 17 year old sophomore in college. I have dated girls that are six foot and very attractive, and same with smaller ones. When you are more attractive discarding the gender, the people who think you are attractive come to you. That's how i see it, and that's how it has been for me.

Answer Reply:

Regarding the previous answer, I'm not sure I completely agree. While I think it's true that sight is the first sense to come into play in most cases of attraction, what one sees and what is considered attractive varies considerably. A physically handsome man wearing a spandex super-hero costume (if you'll grant me a very broad example), isn't going to get the same positive reaction that a reasonably handsome, well-dressed man will receive. There's more than just body chemistry in that first look. A lot of the data that moves over that subliminal pipeline relates to economic, social, ethnic and cultural data; not just to biochemistry and physiology. In addition to the headline question, ask also, "what's really hot?"

Answer 12:

Wow, first off, its high school. 9 out of 10 times male and female, the person is going to change dramatically from the time they graduate to the time they get their career going. And if your seriously determining your life sweet heart off only the mere fact of looks, i guarantee you will make it no where in life. It takes more than just "dating" someone to be with someone for the rest of their life. It takes commitment. I never seen any girl or guy committed to the person they were dating in high school for very long. A small handful will actually stay committed to their relationship and end up marring them. So stop worrying about who's hot, who's not, just go to school, enjoy your day put a smile on your face, laugh it off, and show some confidence in life. That there alone will land you the beauty of life. So who cares if your 5'4 and everyone else is 6'0. Means nothing, wow you can reach my cereal bowl for me, thanks dude, proves nothing. Being tall makes them no smarter than anyone else makes them no more successful than anyone else. So all in all it takes an amount of maturity to actually say to your self that your wasting your time basing your relationships off looks, and a couple qualities, such as "oh hes / she nice.." or "oh hes / cute so cute."

If you really want to know how hot that person is going to be later in life, check out their parents. And if you don't like their parents looks, or personality, run away from the chick or dude your with, hahahah, they will grow up just like them... That's why its important to meet the parents.

Re: Answer 12 (Guy)

I agree with everything here except for the last two sentences. For one thing, looks are determined not only be genetics but also by how much care one takes of one's body (eating habits, exercise, etc). Secondly, parents aren't always the sole factor in determining one's personality; in some cases, for example, one learns from his/her parents' personality "flaws" and tries not to inherit them. I, for one, know at least two people who didn't grow up to be like their parents at all (one change was for the better, the other for the worse).

However, getting back on the topic of girls liking hot guys: It's a mixture of immaturity and hormone overdose. Most people in high school will have a dramatic change in personality through those 4+ grades, and it doesn't really end when they graduate, either. It's the same for most girls and guys alike in high school: they don't know what they want in a partner, so animal instinct kicks in and they go for whoever they find to be the most attractive. Of course, because of this, very few partnerships formed in high school result in marriage, and even fewer result in happy ones. So if you're a guy/girl in high school looking for a partner, I'd strongly recommend that you find someone who "has it made" (good grades, decent personality, etc; I don't count "good looks" here because you never know what they'll look like as adults unless you know ALL of their relatives), befriend him/her, and wait until he/she "grows up" before you decide whether or not you think he/she is the right one for you. (Oh, and don't worry if he/she starts dating someone else while you wait; when he/she becomes more mature, in a few days/weeks either the relationship will end or you'll find that he/she isn't really who you're looking for. And whatever you do, NEVER harbor any resentment for his/her decision or partner, let alone interfere with the relationship.)

Answer 13 (Girl):

Well I'm a girl in high school and I'm going to tell you, yes there are hot guys in high school and girls will go after them. but not all girls are like that, some girls may just think he's cute, it doesn't mean they really like him. Besides, there are plenty of girls who don't date for looks, you just gotta find them.

Answer 14:

Because they're programed to. Answer Reply (Girl)

OMG! I freekin' hate when people talk about guys as if they are robots and as if they don't know what they're doing. Like people always make excuses for them like "well He's a Guy" as if that should be a reason that they act a certain way. Guys you need to GROW UP and start taking a responsibility for your actions! In my opinion there are girls who only want hot guys and guys who only want hot girls. But also in reverse there are girls who don't care how you look much and guys who care more about personality. I do agree with the person who wrote a 5 entries before me that said when guys first look at you they look for your attractiveness. I think that's the case with pretty much everyone from any gender. When you first meet someone you look to see how attractive they are but after that it's anyone's choice whether they want to get to know you better after that to see how your personality is or if the person meeting you doesn't really find you attractive and only goes for looks then they might not care to get to know your personality. It's just life. :)

Answer 15:

Wow, this is a pretty serious topic, I am a 15 year old average lookin' guy bout to be a sophomore. I think that girls like hot guys because they usually have a good personality and looks, personality etc. its natural, my dating life is pretty good and on a scale of 1-10 in popularity I'm like a 7, i hang out with all the social groups in school, except like the extreme outkasts and there are only a handful of them. everyone knows me and i get invited to most of the parties, and i try to be a nice person. anyone can be good looking and presentable (unless yer just downright friggin' ugly) have a good personal hygiene, nice trim, get a tan do a hundred or more sit-ups before you go to bed and in 2 weeks guys you'll have a tone six pack (but you gotta keep it up and you cant be really friggin' fat). to get yer reputation up, you can get in a fight to some a-hole that bothers you (like 90% of people cant friggin' fight and just act tough.) then you'll have a sort of bad ass rep, girls will like that (except some super preps). and you'll be one of those popular kids, or not you gotta work hard to be popular sometimes. High school is like a place to experiment be outgoing, and/or a little mysterious, and you'll get the girls.

P.S. have good flirting skills (the more you flirt the better you get at it...cant wait till next year:)

Answer 16:

Hormones....girls are like that its the same with guys with hot girls they see something they like and they go straight for it

Answer 17:

It's because boys are from Heaven and girls are from hell (not literally lol). Seriously lets look at the situation. When boys think a girl is hot, he just want's to have sex (if he's never met her before). That's basically it, and sometimes it's not. And it's fair, we want basic results for basic opinions..."She's hot, and i want her sexually".

As for girls, it's a little's more like "He's hot, i want to start dating him and eventually get pregnant by him and have amazing looking kids, and show him off to my friends and parents and live in lala land with him etc..."

which is pretty messed up, not because of what they admire (because they're built to want those things) it's because they put those poor boys down who aren't as hot as girls would like for them to be. If an average looking socially deprived boy, not necessarily a nerd or geek, approached a girl, then she would laugh because she has the option of getting the guy with the kind of image she desires. Even if, and that's a paradox, the socially

deprived boy was sweeter and nicer than the hot guy.

She will overlook that for a certain amount of time, given, and choose the hot guy anyway because of the opportunity cost of the looks and popularity... not saying guys won't either, but we're shallow in a more honest and sincere way, meaning we only wanted sex anyway so the girl is not really losing out on much for not being liked by us, granted. Girls are built to chose if they (the boy and girl) are in a relationship or not, so of course it's ultimately they're responsibility to be sexually "wiser" for lack of a better term, when it comes to choosing partners. It's just not built in boys like that to accept girls who they aren't sexually attracted to...but it's different for girls!

This is not saying that boys are not responsible for being douche's...It's just saying that girls can do a little more about it than we can, so there's no excuse for them to sole go on looks alone, plus there are boys who are better than the hot guy if you just try to see it. So stop being so self centered thinking that it's okay to think this way because you're in "high school" and you'll eventually mature. That is so stupid, because if you can help it and you have a chance to do so, start ASAP. Boys included!

If you are sexually attracted to someone, then they were built physically for you. But usually that's where it ends, so don't be surprised when you meet someone you weren't that attracted to in high school later on in life, and date them and fall in love. because physical is scientifically 1/7 of what we consider love, so yes..shallow is actually "SHALLOW"

forget everything you've heard.... just live like your dying and all will be well.

Answer 18:here is my thought. i am black. but to be truthful i personally don't like the little wanna be gangsters or the idiot jocks they annoy me beyond belief. any-ways well most if not all my friends are emo and goth even though i am not. but i am very attracted to elf men. i would rather have a smokin hot dwarf any day cause every girl knows that some jock strap or popular guy OR a lil wanna be ganster wont be a very good boyfraaan most of the time. just sayin y'know. but what i am confused about is this: all of my friends have found a guy. no necessarily a boyfraaaan but just really good friends. but i have yet to have 1 guy talk to me all year. no joke. i mean really? I just want some dwarf up in my hood! not to be superficial or anything but i no that i have to be remotely attractive right? wrong? i don't know i have good hygiene and everything i think well yeah my bj is a bit smelly but.......well i don't know why, it just is. But are they shy or something? NOW THAT IS THE CONFUSING PART. do i talk to them first? do i wait?

Answer 19 (girl)

Well personally I don't go for what people consider "hot" guys because they are rude and arrogant, instead I go for what I find attractive but others say are just average or ugly. Well I don't think that it really matters, because other girls that I know go for super dooper god like guys and I'm not being rude but they aren't that attractive themselves. Yet they go looking for this type of guy. I have been told that I'm pretty before by one of my best friends but he is just that nothing more and I didn't make much of it and didn't fall head over heels in love with him. I've also never had a boyfriend or been kissed but you know what I DON'T CARE! because at the end of the day you are who you are, at least one person you know or even don't know thinks your attractive, but the blind guy over there doesn't get to choose his partner with looks does he?

Answer 20 (I'm guessing Girl):

Hun! all girls want is a hot boyfriend because it makes them popular or cool!!

No one should care because after high school and college you don't have competition. So if you care now it wont matter later as long as he loves you.

Answer 21 (guy):

why are girls attracted to hot guys in high school, well it probably the same answer for most girls, cause girls in high want a guy that looks great and presentable so they can look good themselfs, but some girls may get to know guy and get attrated to his personality. for an example ill tell my own story

in high school i was fat cause of my studying to get a good finishing grade and get a good university education, and unsurprisingly no girls where attracted to me. well i got into a good uni and I've lost a lot of weight and well how can i put it, got handsome (im serious, I've lost about 20kg and gained lean muscle and was lucky i had good facial feature under all that fat) and my confidence has sky 17 and finish high school in 2009. the thing i realised is that all of the girls i know today wouldn't have looked at me before and it makes me kinda think there shallow but guys are the same as well. this girl from school she wasn't pretty at all in high school and i would have never looked at her. now we go to the same uni and shes a babe, shes lost her braces, got contacts, lost weight and she dresses to show off her new body. she probably thinks im shallow as well cause I've looked at her now, but looks are important for both gendersAnswer 22 (Girl)Haha, this is really funny discussion. Well, I'm a senior girl in high school and I've noticed that as we've grown up through the years, the girls in my year aren't as attracted to "hot guys" anymore. I think when you're younger you want to have the trophy boyfriend to say to the world "I'm dating him". But eventually, as you date the hot guys in the school, you realise that a lot of them, not all, but alot of them, have no substance. They're dating you because they want sex, or because their friends think that you're hot. The guys I've dated weren't looking for relationships as one of the answers said before. But back to the question. So some girls date hot guys in high school for status and popularity and others just because they think they're attractive. I know for sure that I've dated a good looking guy, just because he was good looking. I hardly knew him. But as I said before, after getting to know him, there wasn't much to like.That's funny because in my school the pretty girls go after the ugly ass guys. but they hot guys still have hot girlfriends.Everyone should just go gay:)

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 11mo ago

Girls in high school may be attracted to hot guys because physical attractiveness can be a significant factor in initial attraction. Additionally, hot guys may exude confidence and social status, which can be appealing to some individuals. Socio-cultural perceptions of attractiveness also play a role in influencing preferences.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

Well im a girl,so i guess i should know lol well idk when we see a good-looking guy hes just attractive haha....and hey some guys are attracted to girls u know :P But i really don't think that's true....i think boys don't show it as much as girls do and that's why boys think girls are but they don't actually KNOW it lol Hope I helped!

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โˆ™ 11y ago

Males find hot school girls attractive because they are young and beautiful. Males find them pure and innocent and innocence is big attraction for males.

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