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Nicotine in cigarettes is what makes them so addictive. Nicotine is a stimulant that releases beta-endorphins, the natural chemical in our brains that makes us feel good. Smokers will reach for a cigarette when they are stressed as it will make them feel calm, in control but alert at the same time. It is easy to get used to this feeling and need it more and more but as the body can't store nicotine, more cigarettes are needed to keep producing the same effect.

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15y ago

Cigarettes are addicting because one main ingredient is called nicotine. Nicotine somehow travels through the blood stream and directly to the brain when inhaled. Because nicotine gets sent directly to the brain, it causes your brain to demand more of it, and there's the classic story of why cigarettes are so addicting.

every human has nicotine in their body, and when a person starts smoking their body tends to be used to with a high dosage of nicotine and once the body is already used to a high dose of this chemical it would be very hard for the body not to have it in a lower or lesser dose, that's why cigarettes are addictive, it is because you're body is already dependent on receiving a high dose of nicotine. . .

additional: it's not nicotine that kills you when you smoke, it's tar which is also a chemical present in cigarettes, they are the ones that builds up in your lungs and clogs the cavities in your lungs, that's why smokers have a hard time in breathing.

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What is in cigarettes that is so addicting?

An ingredient called nicotine is what is so addicting. Nicotine travels from the lungs, into the bloodstream, and directly to the brain from there, and nicotine causes the brain to demand more of the nicotine, causing the addiction in cigarettes.

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Cigars are generally not thought to be addictive. Although, it is nicotine that makes cigarettes addicting and cigars do contain nicotine. Cigars are not inhaled and take longer to smoke than cigarettes, they are also not easily transported like cigarettes, therefor people do not usually become addicted. Think of cigars more along the lines of the finer things like wine, etc. They are generally meant as a relaxing, on-occasion type smoke.

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yes, the tar and other very unhealthy ingredients in cigarettes is much more harmful to your body and addicting than anything produced by a cannabis plant and cigarettes are an extremely addictive habbit. weed is not addictive.

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I am not sure there is more than one addicting substance but I can tell you that there is nicotine in cigarettes. That is why most smokers dont quit when they want to.

Do people stop smoking by replacing it?

I replaced cigarettes with e-cigarettes. Much less harmfull....much less money. E-cigarettes do contain nicotine and therefore...addicting. But they DO NOT contain the over 500 chemicals and the tar from smoke..e-cigs have no smoke...but produce a vapor. Works for me.

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Depends on what you find addicting, and how you classify addicting...

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Cigarettes are a powerfully addicting drug. However, President Obama has since quit smoking entirely.

Why do you love Starbucks?

Coca Cola is so addicting because it has a drug, a legal drug, caffeine which is like nicotine, which is in cigarettes, but not as addicting.Coca Cola is so addicting because it has a drug, a legal drug, caffeine which is like nicotine, which is in cigarettes, but not as addicting.So not true! Coca Cola used to have cocane in it tho...but not any more. It's proally addicting to the person who asked this because she/he really loves coke! It's probally just a personal addiction! All soda contains caffeine you dimwit! No offense!no it can easily be put down.

Does god smoke?

No. He does not smoke cigarettes, I'm sure. He has no need for smoking - He is perfect, and he's has no problems with addiction. Keep in mind, though, that smoking cigarettes or cigars is not a sin - it is not wrong. People only think of it as a bad thing because it can be addicting for some people, if they don't limit themselves, and most cigarettes are bad for your oral health and your skin.

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Almost as addicting as dead babies.