A lot of celebrities are not homosexuals, but those who identify as LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual Queer) members can't choose to be gay, they were born that way.
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well, i would think that they are all alike because they are all in a magazine.
it is called saynow.com it is a site where u can get phone #'s of celeberties or you can also talk to other people from anywere in the U.S (idk if they have an international line or sumthing)
Orlando Bloom, Cristiano ronaldo, Daddy Yankee and everybody else basically
In Russian "gay" is the same - "gay".
probably quite a few, especially Christian celeberties.
There are some celeberties who are muslim:Dave ChapelleT-painAkonMuhhamad AliSnoop dog
yes, there is actually a secret society that keeps the celebrity race "pure." they find and kill those who do not obey
Yolanda Adams
dwyane wade
Yes it is normal
Justin bieber
Kim Kardashian
Christina Agulera
nobody knows