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guys are afraid to ask girls or young women out because they don't want to get rejected and they are really nervous to ask a person out, trust me I am a guy.


They are either shy or like everyone else afraid of rejection.


It depends on the individual. Some males are very shy, some lack confidence or have low self-esteem, while others are afraid they will be rejected.


why are boys so scared to ask girls out? these are the answers that I wonder about because their is this boy that is trying to ask me out on a date his name is Conner A and I like him to a lot.


why are boys so scared to ask girls out?


they may be just trying to be cool for their friends.

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Girls are really scared to ask boys out becuzz there a girl and they think jis becuz ur a boy ur suppose to lik them and ask them out fisrt but sum boys lik girls to ask them out first!

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it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.

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It is because you just scared and that is your fear !

Will girls ask out boys or boys ask out girls?

generally the boys ask out the girls, but occasionally the girls ask the guys out, but it's not as common.

Do boys ask girl out or do girls ask boys out?

Boys generally, but it is acceptable for girls to ask boys out.

Why do girls ask boys out?

Boys ask girls out (or boys/girls ask boys/girls out...), when they like that person and want to be on a deeper level of relationship with one another. Going out can be either on a date or to be in a relationship with one another.

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no i don't agree because it is weird when the girls ask out the boys. the boys are the one who are supost to ask out the girls not the girls asking out the boys. that is not how it work.

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depends on the guy

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pulse only rises when you exercising or scared of something boys are not that scared on things that girls are they are more relaxed so there pulse will be more relaxed

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the same way that boys ask out girls

Who flirts more teenage boys or teenage girls?

teenage girls defiantly! Teenage girls are more serious about boys and relationships, also they are to scared to ask for them self so they flirt as a sort of hint! xx the guys are not as flirty because they are bad at it. lol. teenage girls CAN NOT ask a guy out its too uncomfortable.Hope i have been helpful xx :D

Why do boys never ask girls out even if they like her?

Either they aren't sure the girl likes him or he would just rather be single. boys are scared something bad while happen are somthing embrassing