Boys don't have to be mean to like you. Boys like you more if they aren't mean to you.
Not all boys are mean and every one deserves education even people that are mean we all are people and we make mistakes girls and boys can be mean but that does not stop people from getting education
some people put it for girls and boys like they put gs and bs or they mean the gts
It means people are physically, sexually attracted to partners of the other gender, so boys like girls and girls like boys. People who are homosexual feel attracted to people of the same gender, bisexuals can and will feel attracted to people of both genders.
your anoynig your mean or they like you
depends on how you like them
No If Boys Are Mean they like u
It means that boys will act like boys...mainly according to gender stereotypes.
Because boys are more like dogs sometimes. They can be mean and rough like dogs. Girls are pictured as more refined and graceful. I guess girls would be like catss, I guess.
It depends
what does it mean
If you mean girls ! Then it's to attract the boys attention because maybe they like him.