I cant really answer this one any better than the wikipedia entry for gun bluing does.
Most police sidearms have a black or deep blue ("blue steel") finish, although some are made of stainless steel. Rarely, an officer might carry a gun with a nickel finish, which looks like bright chrome.
Its about alot of things
blue light and white metal and black strips of meatl
Long or short, they are known as Bayonets.
ballistic knife
If you mean what type of steel are guns made from, it depends. Some cheap guns aren't even made from steel, but instead some sort of cheap pot metal.
Soft steel barrels and wood stocks. Hardened steel barrels came with smokeless gunpowders in the 20th century. Civil War guns used black gunpowder.
They are mad from steel.
Steel and brass.
because it got changed and Nerf guns were really blue in the first place