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There are very few gay characters on kids shows as of 2014. But times are changing, and some day it won't matter.

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Q: Why are all kids shows gay now?
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No, he has been with the same woman for many years now and they have kids.

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i wouldn't but if you really must know now, i would drop it into the convo, like ''what do you think about gay people?'' or ''what would you do it i was gay?'' and then say stuff that shows you support gays or that you will love them no matter what. good luck :)

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As of June. 2014, gay marriage is not legal in Alabama.

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Yes. He had a relationship with B.D. Wong years ago and had two kids one of which died an hour and a half after he was born. I just found all this out now! They eventually split up however in 2004.

My husband knows the difference between platforms and heels does that mean that he is gay?

no that doesnt mean that he is gay. It just means you have probably talked about the subject so much that he knows now. Or he has watched so many girly movies and shows that he knows from that!!