Not all drug dealers are black
They are only represented thatway in the movies and by the media, I supose they have their reasons.
you can get drug dealers from any race
Yes, drug dealers are all over New York City.
Not, not all drug dealers are black. That is an offensive stereotype. It may be that there are more black (and Latino) drug dealers than white drug dealers, but the idea that all drug dealers are either black or Latino is absolutely false. And the reason there are more black and Latino drug dealers than white drug dealers has everything to do with economics and sociology, and nothing to do with any perceived differences between the races.You can make a lot of money selling drugs for a living. Most drug dealers have grown up poor and disadvantaged, with little or no opportunity for higher learning. If you live in an impoverished, inner-city neighborhood, and go to an underfunded, overcrowded public school, your chances of getting into a good college are very slim. Without a good education, it's hard to get a good job that pays well. You are forced to work a minimum-wage job with limited opportunities for advancement (like a fast-food worker).So, most drug dealers figure, "Well, I can work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week at McDonald's, for $7 an hour, with no opportunity for advancement besides becoming the manager and earning $10 an hour...or I could work 3 hours a day as a drug dealer, and make $10,000 a week." Since they cannot make a lot of money at a legitimate job, they choose an illegitimate one.So, since impoverished, inner-city neighborhoods are mostly populated by blacks and Latinos, it is not surprising that there are more black and Latino drug dealers than white drug dealers. It's not that blacks and Latinos are born criminals, or that blacks and Latinos are by nature immoral people.Furthermore, not all drug dealers are men. Female drug dealers are the minority, but they do exist.
Drug dealers, auto tun freaks, and black guys.
Drug Dealers are people who sell drugs to people for money.
Of course not, that's just a stereotype.
You cant count how many drug dealers there are because no one is stupid enough to tell just anybody that they are drug dealers.
Black drug dealers, on a side note, around blax NEVER RELAX!
drug dealers drug dealers
Typically when drug dealers are caught they go to prison
Typically when drug dealers are caught they go to prison
cause my black folks was cotton pickers before they were drug dealers hahahaha