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Boys are immature... compared to a girl. Girl's mature faster than boys. So, maybe those 12-year-old boys are actually mature but not as mature as girls.Here are some ways of dealing with those not-mature-yet boys:
  • Ignore them. If you ignore, they don't bother you.
  • Don't laugh at their immature jokes if you don't find them that funny
  • Don't encourage their behavior-they get fuel from your encouragement
  • Be positive-if you know they don't matter to you just smile and walk away
  • Be strong-they're more likely to make fun of you if you start to cry
  • In this case "showing them who's boss" isn't always the perfect way to go. They might either take it as a challenge or you might become viewed as bossy.
  • Take a deep breath-if your calm, he can't annoy you, right?
  • Focus on the tasks at hand-you don't have to pay attention to the boy!
  • If nothing else works or if he is really harassing you-Tell an adult you trust. There's always a solution!
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about mostly in there teens or late teens

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Q: Why are 12 year old boys so immature?
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If you are 12, a 15 year old girlfriend is probably not the best idea. the boy and girl would be in two completely different worlds, they would have little, if anything in common. It would be best for them both to go out with someone their own age

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No, girls are intrinsically cooler than boys.

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No, it is not OK for a 12 year old to be a 16 year old's girlfriend. A 12 year old is far to immature and much too young for a sexual relationship. A 16 year old who would take advantage of a 12 year is breaking the law.

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You can find haircut photos for 12 year old boys on Google. You can also find haircut photos on the site, Pinterest.

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Be yourself don't over do it. flirt a little but not to much and don't be to obvious. Do the classic walk past with your mates and flick your hair and laugh thing. If you are 12, you shouldn't be thinking of boys. They come later in life or age. 12 year olds in general are very immature.

Do boys find it weird if a 13 year old girl likes a 12 year old boy?

No, most boys would be excited and flattered by it. Just be gentle with him.