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In isothermal the temperature is constant whereas in adiabatic the temperature falls or rises rapidly.Consider the case for expansion where in adiabatic the temperature drops. If you consider PV/T=constant then for same pressure we can show that as temp decreases the volume also decreases. During expansion for isothermal the temp does not change so volume is higher than adiabatic.


Isothermal P=8 Pa, V=x , T=2K

Adiabatic P=8 Pa, V=y, T=1K (as it drops)

Using PV/T=constant we can find that y is less than x.

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9mo ago

An adiabatic curve is steeper than an isothermal curve because in adiabatic processes, no heat is exchanged with the surroundings, so the temperature changes more rapidly with pressure compared to isothermal processes where the temperature remains constant, leading to a less steep curve.

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