the reason there are two numbers on the calibre of your rifle,is that before 1900 it was used to inform the owner of 1;the calibre .38 and two;the amount of blackpowder that the case was loaded with.In this case 55grs.of blackpowder.
3855 is 385500%.
ok go to number and type this*2767*3855#
The phone number of the Aldrich House is: 402-994-3855.
The phone number of the Puxico Public Library is: 573-222-3855.
There are 1609.344 metres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 3855 metres is equal to 3855/1609.344 = 2.40 miles.
The phone number of the Mission Trail Community Library is: 951-471-3855.
The phone number of the Clark Memorial Branch Library is: 740-658-3855.
The phone number of the Wilderness Trail Museum is: 937-295-3855.
The phone number of the Elmore Area Historical Society is: 507-943-3855.
if double action revolver it was probably made about 1923
The phone number of the Fort Loramie Historical Association is: 937-295-3855.