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coz u a niigga.

thats why

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Q: Why Wont club create let me make an account?
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If you have a Club Penguin account and if you make a new account will it erase your previous account?

not at all i have three penguins so i know that it wont

Why cant you create an account on Star Stable Online?

the servers might be down. it won't let me make one either.

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it wont let you make an account

What is the press code for horse?

Ok this is simple. all you have to do is make your account but make your birthdat older than 14 so for example 1993 which would make you 15. when u click create account it wont ask you to type the code in.

How you can create club party pass?

You could create a club party then make a pass?

How do you make an account on club penguin without a membership?

You just make an account, and that's it.

How do you make a quibblo account?

well it wont let me make one

How do you get a Club Penguin password?

make an account.

How do you make your Club Penguin account rare?

You make your Club Penguin account rare if you have over 1 million coins, you have a lot of old items and you have had your account ever since Club Penguin was made, which was on October 24, 2004.

What do you do when meez wont let you make an account anymore?

make another email adress on yahoo or something and make another account

How do you make an account on apple i got a iPod for Christmas and i cant create an account for apple as when i have been trying and it wont let me do it. do you put the hotmail or what for my email?

You have to go to the Apple website ( and create an account. This will require you to create something similar to an email address Fill in all the details and then you will be able to access itunes, get mobileme and more. Hope this helped!

How do you make another account in club penguin to your old account?

well you can make as many penguins as you want.