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will my dear fiend as you see some Muslim women wears not only burkha there is also something called neqaab and all these things are to protect the women dignity and not to be abused by people eyes and some time something bigger then eye abused . . .

you should notice that not all Muslim women cover their face and one can force them too but the majority are covering their faces .

Islam is a religion of peace and its the one and only religion that protects women rights .

i want to tell you a little story , there was a french doctor who asked a Muslim student why do you Muslims cover your women , the Muslim cadet brought two candys and uncover one of them and throw the two candy's at the floor then he picked them up and asked the doctor which one would you choose ?

the doctor said the , i will take the covered one , then the Muslim student said that's why we cover our women .

btw its not mandatory that we all cover our women faces we just studied in our books that its better to cover and thanx .

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