as people run they tend to carry their whole weight along with them and so this makes it harder on fat people to run as they have to carry their weight with them which makes them get tired easily and so they cannot run.
well fat people cant...
because of there diet the might get sick and fat so they cant run
Acctually some (not all) fat people can run.
it cant run fast if it is fat
Just run!
they weigh about 180-220 pounds they cant run if they are fat
they will slip
They Run Into Stuff! there fat
If your fat you would probably run faster to get your food but in fit people would not even run because they don't want any of that fat food because it is bad for there health. Fat people just don't no that
Good question. It could be a thyroid problem.
Because they cant jump hardley!
It depends if the people are fat or small they are if fat about 15 seats will be taken up if annirex only half a seat fat people cant fit into seats