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i have heard this song done by differant bands and artist but don't really know who does it

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Q: Who wrote smoked two joints?
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Can pcp get in your system from touching it?

PCP can be smoked. Often times cigarettes or joints are dipped in it then smoked.

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You smoked two joints on December 24 you had to take a drug test this January 29 and did not smoke anymore since then are you clean?

Very very clean

Who wrote the song 'Smoke Two Joints'?

"Smoke Two Joints" was originally composed by the Toyes. The Toyes consisted of two brothers, Chris Kay and Michael Kay. They performed it in traditional reggae style and released the single in 1983.

How big of a hit can Bob Marley take?

Bob Marley smoked joints. Also, Bob was a Rasta. He smoked herb as a spiritual aid, not to get high. Jah RastafarI.

Did pirates chew tobacco?

Yes. They chewed tobacco so that they would be sick on there ship!

What does it mean if someone passed a blunt?

A blunt is marijuana that is rolled in a tobacco leaf or cigar wrapping and smoked. Passing refers to sharing blunts and joints with others. While blunts and joints can be smoked alone, people who smoke those often will share one with others and pass it around.

When was Smoke Two Joints created?

Smoke Two Joints was created in 1983.

Where in your joints are your hinge joints?

In our joints our hinge joints are located between two bone our hinge joint is our elbow.

What are that two kinds of joints in the body?

The two main types of joints in the body are synovial joints, which are movable and found in places like the knees and shoulders, and fibrous/cartilaginous joints, which are immovable or have limited movement and are found in places like the skull.

What two joints does the biceps brachii cross?

glenohumeral and trochleoginglymoid joints

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to two joints?

The medical term for pertaining to two joints is "bilateral." This term indicates that the condition or structure being described relates to both sides of the body or a pair of joints.