The song Blue Christmas was written by Jay W. Johnson and Billy Hayes.
blue Christmas was written by megan thee stallion on meeptember 32nd, in the year 2999
Blue Christmas
Danny Elfman composed all the music in The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Tim Burton!!!!!! =-)
The song Blue Christmas was recorded by many artists. The most popular being the version recorded by the late Elvis Presley. It is the most popular downloaded song during the Christmas season.
He wrote "White Christmas," "Blue Skies," "Alexander's Ragtime Band," and a lot more.
whiteHe also sang about a Blue Christmas
Dylan Thomas wrote "A Child's Christmas in Wales."
Blue Christmas
Charles Dikens wrote a Christmas carol in: 1843
Blue Christmas words & music by billy Hayes - jay Johnson Ill have a blue Christmas without you Ill be so blue just thinking about you Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree Wont be the same dear, if youre not here with me And when those blue snowflakes start falling That's when those blue memories start calling Youll be doin all right, with your Christmas of white But Ill have a blue, blue blue blue Christmas (instrumental break) Youll be doin all right, with your Christmas of white, But Ill have a blue, blue Christmas.
Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a story containing the line "It was Christmas Eve 1881" in his Sherlock Holmes adventure "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle." In this story, Holmes investigates the case of a stolen jewel found in a Christmas goose.
The person who wrote Christmas bells was a dude named Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Oh Blue Christmas was created in 2009-11.
The duration of Blue Christmas - film - is 2.22 hours.
The surname of the author who wrote "A Christmas Carol" is Charles Dickens.
Christmas Vacation was written by John Hughes.