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A grill cheese sandwich would win, but if the fight is cage rules then the taco would win It is my opinion that the better tasting food item would be the winner. I do believe that the grilled cheese would win, but if the taco be a spaghetti taco as seen on ICarly, the taco would win.

Answer from original context(Hot Rod): Grilled cheese, but only in a fair fight. If it's prison rules, I'd say taco.

That's pretty racist, but correct

As the grilled cheese sandwich has cheese holding it together I would say that it would outlast the falling-apart-pron taco.

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Depends on what type of fight. If it was a food fit then the taco would win because allthe fillings would spill out onto the person.

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Q: Who would win in a Fight between a Taco and a grilled cheese sandwich?
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