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The United States of America used the first nuclear weapon in war, when they bombed Japan.

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Q: Who were the first ones to use nuclear weapons in war?
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What was the significance of the hiroshima?

First use of nuclear weapons in war.

Who was the first president to use nuclear weapons?

Harry Truman

Who was first president to authorize use of nuclear weapons?

Truman was the only president to authorize nuclear weapons usage. It ended WW2.

Did they use nuclear weapons in the holocaust?

No, Nazi Germany had no nuclear weapons.

Who was the first to use plutonium?

The first use of plutonium was as nuclear weapon; United States was the first country to use these weapons against Japan.

Why do you have nuclear weapons?

Some of the countries have nuclear weapons because they use them as a defense mechanism. The nuclear weapons are intended to be used whenever there is a war.

Did the US use non nuclear weapons against japan?

the u.s. used non nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons against japan

Did you use nuclear weapons on Afghan?

No nuclear weapons have been used in Afghanistan to date.

Do you have to be qualified to use nuclear weapons?

Yes, you first must have a security clearance then you have to take classes on the weapons you might be using.

What is combat use of nuclear weapon?

Use of nuclear weapons in wartime.

How was the use of nuclear weapons involved in Korean war?

No nuclear weapons were used in the Korean War.....

What concern has the us over Russia's nuclear weapons?

Russians do not know how to use nuclear weapons