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Betty was played by Rosemary Clooney and Judy was played by Vera-Ellen. Their characters had a brother who was in the army with Bob and Phil.

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The Haynes sisters were played by Rosemary Cloony and Vera Ellen.

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Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen

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Q: Who were the Haynes sisters in white Christmas?
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Why does the landlord want the Haynes Sisters money in White Christmas?

One of the sisters burned a hole in the carpet in their apt. and they did a midnite move

In the movie White Christmas what was the name of the freckle-faced brother of the haynes sisters?

The photo of Benny "Freckle Face" Haynes is Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer of Our Gang.

Who are The singing sisters in White Christmas?

The 1954 movie White Christmas is a holiday favorite and has some good actors. The two female co-stars in this movie are Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen.

In a White Christmas what are the charicters names?

Bob Wallace Phil Davis Judy Haynes Betty Haynes (these are the main ones)

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Jess and his sisters wanted to buy May Belle a pair of white sneakers for Christmas.

When was The Warren Haynes Christmas Jam created?

The Warren Haynes Christmas Jam was created in 1989.

How old was bing Crosby in White Christmas?

Bing Crosby was 51 in White Christmas. Some other stars from the film were: Bing Crosby (Bob Wallace) - 51 Danny Kaye (Phil Davis) - 43 Rosemary Clooney (Betty Haynes) - 26 Vera-Ellen (Judy Haynes) - 33 Dean Jagger (General Waverly) - 51

Who are the main characters in White Christmas?

Bob Wallace, Phil Davis, Betty Haynes, Judy Haynes, Major General Thomas F. Waverly, and Emma Allen; played by Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera-Ellen, Dean Jagger, and Mary Wickes respectively.

When did Vera-Ellen die?

She played one of the sisters opposite Rosemary Clooney in White Christmas

When will White Christmas be on TV in southern Ca?

White Christmas on tv

What are some homemade craft ideas for Christmas?

Homemade craft ideas for Christmas include making bracelets, and collages. You can make all sorts of stuff! I am going to make a collage of my sisters and I, and give it to my sisters for Christmas!