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There were many individuals and groups involved in the movement to abolish slavery, including Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, William Wilberforce, and the American abolitionist movement. The abolition of slavery was a result of the efforts of many people working together to bring about social change.

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Q: Who was the people that had stopped slavery?
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Why slavery should be stopped?

Well, slavery should be stopped because it is wrong! They are also human beings like us and has human rights as well, they are not animals and we wouldn't like to be treated the same way like they did. Only idiots would actually think slavery is a good thing so that they can do all the work.. well im here to tell you that you are so stupid and that most people in the world all agree slavery should be abloished and it has in most countries. This is my personal opinion sorry if i really didnt answer your question

Who stopped slavery in haiti?

Slavery in Haiti was officially abolished by the Haitian government in 1804, after a successful slave revolt led by Toussaint Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines. This made Haiti the first independent nation in Latin America and the Caribbean to abolish slavery.

What were two ways in which people took actions against slavery?

People took actions against slavery through participating in abolitionist movements, such as the Underground Railroad and the formation of anti-slavery societies. Additionally, some individuals fought against slavery through legal means, such as advocating for the passage of laws that prohibited the buying and selling of enslaved people.

What did the people do to bring an end to slavery?

People fought against slavery through various means, including legal challenges, political activism, and organized resistance movements. Abolitionists campaigned for the end of slavery through petitions, protests, and underground railroad networks, leading to the eventual abolition of slavery in many countries.

What is the act of freeing people from slavery?

The act of freeing people from slavery is known as emancipation. It involves legally releasing individuals from bondage or servitude, granting them their freedom and autonomy.

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Who were the people who stopped slavery?


Did the underground railroad stop slavery?

No... Officially the slavery in America at the time wasn't stopped by the people directly but it did help the politicians get the thought that slavery should be abolished.

Which is easier to stop Racism or Slavery?

Their both impossible to stop. People are going to keep doing it forever. Slavery has stopped in the us, but in Africia there is still slavery. Thanks for asking.

Who was the person that stopped slavery continuing?

Well that is hard to answer because as you can imagine it took lots of dedicated people to finally stop slavery. But even after slavery was put to an end people would still treat blacks bad.

Did Abraham Lincoln stop slavery in Asia?

No he stopped slavery in the USA.

What are they trying to do to stop slavery?

It stopped

What is important about Quakers?

They stopped slavery.

Is slavery injustice?

Yes, Slavery should be stopped, because to be someone else's slave makes people think you are beneath them, but in this world, no matter what we have done (apart from killing or murder; then you are beneath people) we are equal.

What did Frederick Douglass accomblish?

he stopped slavery

When did Abraham stopped slavery?

he did it on September 22,1862

Who stopped slavery in England?

william wiberforce

Who stopped slavery in Maryland?

yes, they did oppose.