Only one professional scientist has walked on the Moon; Harrison Schmitt was a geologist who was trained to be an astronaut. All the other lunarnauts were astronauts who had been trained in geology. There is a theory that Schmitt was "allowed" to go by NASA in recompense for sending Alan Shepherd who, as a smoker, found some of the mission too tiring to complete and who spent some time playing Golf.
niel armstrong
The first scientist to walk on the moon was Dr. Harrison Schmitt, a geologist who participated in the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.
The moon
The first scientist-astronaut in space was Harrison Schmitt, who flew on Apollo 17 in 1972. Schmitt was a geologist and became the first professional scientist to walk on the moon.
Why do scientists believe there might be water on the Moon?
I'd have to say the first scientist who saw the moon was the first one to look up in the sky...
Galileo was the first
niel armstrong
The first scientist to walk on the moon was Dr. Harrison Schmitt, a geologist who participated in the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.
The moon
The first scientist-astronaut in space was Harrison Schmitt, who flew on Apollo 17 in 1972. Schmitt was a geologist and became the first professional scientist to walk on the moon.
Galileo Galilei, with his home made telescope.
No Indians have gone to the moon. While it's commonly thought to be Rakesh Sharma, he was the first Indian astronaut, but he did not land on the moon.
Scientist knowwhat the moon's crust is made of because the visited the moon's surface before.
Yes,scientists are still studying the moon
they already found gallons on the moon
What is there to study but craters...