abraham lincoln
The British offered freedom and independence. The 13 colonies offered more rights. The slaves went for British because they wanted freedom, not rights.
African-Americans who were slaves were not given their freedom.
king fought for African American people
Masters controlled the slaves during the American Revolution. Mostly the war was fought in the north then in the south. So the war didn't effect their living really.
---- ---- ---- ---- if they fought in the side on the union they gained their freedom
They fought for freedom!
Yes, they were allowed to fight, both sides offered freedom if they were to fight for their respective sides. However, many of them ended up dying anyway, and the ones that didn't, did not get freedom either way.
African-Americans have fought in every American war including the Revolutionary War. Runaway slaves were promised freedom if they fought for the British army.
African-Americans have fought in every American war including the Revolutionary War. Runaway slaves were promised freedom if they fought for the British army.
It is estimated that 4 million slaves gained freedom as a result of the Union winning the American Civil War. The war was fought from 1861 to 1865.
Because their slave owners promised them that if the south wins, then the slaves would be able to get land, freedom and so on. Or the slaves were adjusted to their lifestyle and did not want to change it. They thought that the life they had was fine as is.
Freedom for slaves became a reality when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. He signed the document in 1863.
Their own freedom! Citing the reasons for the Revolutionary War and the new American's freedom from England, the slaves sought to bring their own bondage before the new nation and aimed to show that their plight was similar to that which was fought so hard for in the previous years of the war.
He fought for the freedom of slaves, he believed all people should be free and be able to have there own choices.