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I believe it is tony fadell

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Q: Who was considered the father or mother of the IPod?
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Who is the father or mother of the ipod?

Tony Tendell

Did tony fadell invent the iPod?

Tony Fadell invented the iPod which is sold by Apple. He is considered the 'Father' of the iPod. He also invented the iPhone.

Who would you say who is the father and mother of the iPod?

Steve Jobs created the iPod and he died October 2011 at age 56. He died of cancer.

What living primates are considered hominoids?

your mother and your father are considered to be hominoids

What relationship to you is your mother's brother's father?

If your mother and her brother share the same parents, then her brother's father would be considered your grandfather

Are child born of different linage considered to be what the father is or what the mother is?

They are considered to be a combination of both.

Is your mother or father's DNA strand transcribed?

Both your mother's and father's DNA strands are transcribed to produce messenger RNA (mRNA) during gene expression. This mRNA is then translated into proteins that carry out various functions in the body.

Are you considered to be Belgian if your father was Belgian but not your mother?

If you were born in Belgium you are a Belgian

Who is the father of iPod and what is it's nationality?

The father of iPod is Tony fadell a Lebanese American

What is the relationship with our daughter to our grandchildren?

Father or Mother

Is there such a thing as a second step father?

yes there is. if your mother remarried and then remarried again it would be considered your second step father.

What is a grandpa?

A grandpa is a grandfather, the father of your father or mother.