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he started as a slave, and then wanted to put an end towards slavery. He gathered an army of more than 100,000 men, and then crucified 6000 of them in fight for no slavery. He was killed bye the Romans around the time frame of 71 BC.

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Q: Who was a slave that led a rebellion against the roman army?
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Why did the visigoths rebel against Romans?

There was a first rebellion when the Visigoths were first allowed to settle in the lower Danube area of the Roman Empire. This was because there was a famine and the Visigoths did not receive any help. Then peace was made. Later, Alaric I, a Visigoth king, rebelled. The reasons for this are unclear. It has been speculated that Alaric wanted to become a general of the Roman army, but this was not granted.

Where did the German army defeat the roman army.?

The Romans were defeated by the Germans at the battle of Teutoburg Forest which was one of the biggest Roman defeats

What did the Roman Army have to do with the growth and maintenance of the Roman Empire?

During the expansion of the Roman Empire the army sent the wealth of conqured territories and slaves back to Rome, to fuel the Roman economy. The army was followed into territories by merchants and traders who would then acquire goods for sale in Roman markets. During the reign of Augustus the army repaired roads, and set up permenant barracks along trade routes to make travel to and from other territories safer.I hate roman army and i love Germany

What Role Did Roman soldiers play in the creation of the Roman Empire?

The Roman army played a major role in the creation of the Roman empire a most of Rome's territory was gained by military conquest. In addition, the army policed the new territories and many times colonies of veterans were established in them. The army also did the building of roads, bridges and aqueducts.

Who defeat Rome?

There are several who contributed to the fall of Rome; mainly, Alaric's army, the Germanic slaves that revolted against their Roman leaders, and some can argue that the Romans themselves were the cause of their demise.

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What did you have to do in the Roman army?

you had to be a slave or a roman, you had to be 20 and you cant marry

Who defeated the slave army?

Marcus Licinius Crassus led Roman legions to defeat the slave army of Spartacus.

How did the slave rebellion of Spartacus almost beat the roman army?

By fighthing in a territory that the know and not the romans like a forest or a mountain and figthing all together like a group with a military strategy.

When was St. George made a slave?

St. George was not a slave. He was a soldier in the Roman army.

Who was spartacus and what was he known for?

Spartacus was a Roman slave and gladiator who was the head of a slave rebellion against the Romans. He was very successful for a long time. That's about all we know about him. Historians are not even sure if Spartacus was his real name or a "stage name" he used during his gladiatorial career. They think he was a Thracian prisoner of war, but again, not sure of that either.

How did Spartacus impact the world?

Spartacus did not have much of an impact on the Roman empire. His figure was mythologised many centuries after the end of Roman civilisation by romantic intellectuals. We get minimal information about him from ancient Roman historians. He was one of the leaders (not the only leader) of the slave rebellion which has been called the Third Servile War (73-71 BC). The revolt scared the Romans, especially the senate. The slaves were successful for a couple of years against small forces of the Roman army and local militias and ravaged the countryside and pillaged a number of cities. However, it was finally suppressed by the deployment of a large amount of Roman troops. This was the biggest, but also the last slave rebellion in Roman history. Over time it got forgotten by the Romans.

Who was responsible for leading a raid on the US army at Harpers Ferry in hope of starting a slave rebellion?

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How many colonists joined the British army in protest against the rebellion?

More than 50,000

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They viewed it as a true rebellion against the new United States Government and used it as a reason to establish a peacetime army.

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They viewed it as a true rebellion against the new United States Government and used it as a reason to establish a peacetime army.

Why was important for the roman empire to build a vast network of roads?

Roman roads allowed their army to move quickly to quell any rebellion by the native tribes.

Why did the Romans choose to crucify spartacus' army rather than using a more hummane execution?

Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.Spartacus and his army consisted of slaves and crucifixion was the legal penalty for slave execution.