It was a person it was a term ". Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it"
Family Feud: Cheap Stingy Tight Penny Pincher Frugal Scrooge Thrifty
When a person describes someone as a "scrooge," they typically mean that the person is miserly, stingy, and lacks generosity or compassion towards others. The term is often used to describe someone who is reluctant to spend money or share their resources.
Nouns are not describing words. Adjectives are the words that describe nouns. Some adjectives to describe Ebenezer Scrooge are:At the beginning of the story...1. Cold2. Mean-hearted3. SelfishAt the end of the story...1. Giving2. Lighthearted3. Joyful
They used slaves for cheap labor.
No, the word 'cheap' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun (cheap prices, cheap imitation).The noun form of the adjective 'cheap' is cheapness.
The word "Scrooge" was first used as a slang term to mean a miserly person. The character Ebenezer Scrooge was created by Charles Dickens in his novel "A Christmas Carol" in 1843, which popularized the term.
The term "obese" is used to describe a person who is very overweight.
No verbs will describe a person. A person is a noun, and verbs do not describe nouns. Adjectives describe nouns.Examples of adjectives that can describe a person and begin with the letter N:nervousnicenormalnurturing
No, "greenhorn" is a term used to describe an inexperienced or naive person, not an animal.
A person can buy used items for cheap on ebay. Amazon is also another company where a person can buy items for cheap. The Salvation Army is another place as well.
A not entertaining person
No adverbs can be used to describe a person because a person is a noun. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs; adjectives describe nouns.Some adjectives that can describe a person and begin with M are:machomadmagnificentmaliciousmaniacalmaturemean-spiritedmellowmessymeticulousmischievousmopeymotherlymulti-talented