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Babysitters or sikos

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Q: Who sits on babies?
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Your cat sits on her babies is this normal?

it could be to keep them warm, or yoour cat is a killer and you need to call the police, immediately.

Which type of honeybee does all of the work?

Worker bee. Queen bee just sits around and like has babies or something.

How does a ostrich raise its babies?

baby ostriches are born in a shallow hole which their father made in the sand and he sits on the eggs.The mother ostrich lays her eggs in front of the father ostrich then he pushes them under his warm body. He sits on the eggs from late afternoon untill early the next morning the mother sits on the eggs the rest of the day. When the eggs are hatched the parents take turns to look after their young.

How a globe sits on its stand?

Sits swirly on its stand

When is a wresteler king of the ring?

Well if you mean when NOT why Then it is WHEN HE SITS ON THE THRONE Hope it Helped (:

Do mice sit on theirnew babies constantly?

No, but if they are new mothers and it is their first litter, they might sit on the babies for a day. Afterwards and from time to time, she will look for food to eat, and water, because she has to produce enough milk to feed her babies. If she sits on her babies constantly or a lot, it's probably because there is little or no insulating materials in the cage. You must supply insulating material, or the babies will die of hypothermia. You can supply insulating material, such as shredded newspaper or shredded paper from your paper shredder; wood shavings, or even the kind of straw that horses and cows eat. Don't disurb the mother mouse and her babies for at least a week or two.

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Lone Ranger

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It usually sits on a mouse pad or just on a table

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The reveran sits with them up top

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Australia's Federal Parliament sits in Canberra.

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